Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Democrat Senators Act as Holder Protectors

Yesterday, Eric Holder testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. His testimony covered a variety of topics, but everybody there knew the major issue was Fast and Furious. Here we have a Justice Department enmeshed in an operation whereby ATF agents in Phoenix conducted surveillance as known Mexican cartel straw purchasers bought weapons from gun dealers who were cooperating with the agency. Instead of interdicting the guns and arresting the dealers, the guns were allowed to disappear into the sunset (of Mexico), where they ended up in the hands of drug cartels. These guns were later recovered at crime scenes involving the murders of some 200 Mexicans and two American federal agents. Now the DOJ is attempting to cover up their own role in the operation and lay it off on subordinates and low-level ATF agents.

Yet, in the midst of hard questions from the Republicans, the Democrats on the committee don't even seem to be interested in the scandal that has involved the deaths of two US agents.

Amazing. Senators Leahy and Feinstein want to use this case to call for stricter gun control. (After all, this was the ultimate goal of the politicos in Justice who ran this operation.) Feinstein and Schumer wanted to link Fast and Furious to a Bush-era operation called Wide Receiver, in which guns were simply lost from surveillance. Leahy wanted to know if DOJ paid 16 dollars per muffin at some DOJ conference. (Actually, he wanted to put that charge to rest and he gave Holder an opportunity to do so.) And Al Franken's main concern was anti-Gay bullying enforcement. It boggles the imagination.

God help the Republic.

1 comment:

  1. And how do you propose to stop guns being sold to the cartels WITHOUT some sort of gun control?
