Monday, October 17, 2011

Do Our Leaders Support This?

The above ad is produced by the Emergency Committee for Israel. It is short and well worth a view.


  1. Yeah, and internal cell phone communications of al Qaeda revealed the observation "We have to favor the election of John McCain as President."

    Since when is ANYONE responsible for unsolicited endorsements? Especially endorsements issued by anauthorized third parties?

    HOLD THE PRESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gary, I have some news that will warm the cockles of your conservative Orange County Israel-loving heart!

    Tonight, I was at a forum with two state senators and three state assembly representatives, hearing from "The 99%." It was more or less of a love fest. The two senators were both charter members of the Wisconsin 14, and one of them had dumped a tired old Democrat in the primary last year. One of the assembly reps was a challenger in the recent recall elections and VERY popular with the crowd that turned out. Our only Latina assembly rep was there too. But here is the part you are going to love:

    In all the comments, exhortations and questions, talking about the bill to tax millionaires 1% extra to pay for technical colleges to train more people for the currently available jobs, talking about all the jobs Scott Walker has destroyed, an occasional veteran of the state capitol occupation last February leading chants of "Tell me what democracy looks like? This is what democracy looks like" ... There was NOT ONE REFERENCE to messages of solidarity from Gaza!

    Your telegram of congratulations can be sent to JobsNowWisconsin...

    ...or wait... maybe Gary is NOT happy... maybe Gary LIKES being able to accuse us of anti-Semitism. He isn't DISAPPOINTED to have the little canard taken away from him is he... well, he'll let us know, one way or the other.

  2. happening again? I pray Israel keeps its promise"never again". Anti-Semitism arises not from Europe but from our local streets. Patricia McCallister is a substitute teacher for LAUSD and though she has a right to free speech, her anti-Semitic remarks reflects her ignorance of history and the saying is if we don't learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. My uncle was Jewish and lived in Britain during
    world War II, he and my aunt worried what would happen to them if and or when the Nazis would cross the narrow English channel from France to Britain. This recent spate of anti-Semitism roils up from the liberal left. and it baffles me why suddenly it is acceptable to scapegoat Jews and now Israel.
