Monday, September 5, 2011

Ghadafi in England????

'Offensive': Two heavy-handed PCSOs told staff in Party Time in Sheffield that their Colonel Gaddafi mannequin, dressed in pink tights 'could be deemed inappropriate'

Daily Mail

Ever see an illegal mannequin? You have now.


  1. Oh those British, they place such an emphasis on courtesy. Its like knowing the correct way to hold a tea cup.

    In America, the police don't get to tell anyone to take a display down because it is "offensive." It has to be illegal.

    (Although, some time back, the owner of a retail store who put some special reduced price clothing out in front on racks in Orange County was told he needed a special permit to do that, and put in handcuffs when he even questioned that, until he agreed to take it all down.)

    In America, the store owner would have asked "So what if you think it's offensive, what law does it violate?"

    In England, "the constitution" is the sum total of all acts of parliament and judicial precedents, so it is awfully fluid. I suppose "offensive" is against something or other in there.

  2. Siarlys,

    You devoted so much more time and space to this story thatn I did.

  3. I always look for the deeper meaning in things Gary.

    Don't you find it offensive that police could tell someone to take down a display because the cop finds it "offensive"? Or did you just think this was an amusing keystone kops episode.
