Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pray for Al Gore

Al Gore-Vegetarian

Pray for Al Gore.

Why? Because the man has lost his mind, that's why. Now he is comparing climate change to the civil rights struggle.

"That happened in millions of conversations, and slowly the conversation was won,” Gore said. “And we still have racism, God knows, but it's so different now and so much better. And we have to win the conversation on climate.”

So is Gore suggesting that any differing opinions on climate change must be considered unacceptable in polite conversation?

Not only that, but things are so serious, Gore is implying we all need to become vegetarians.

"Industrial agriculture is a part of the problem,” Gore said. “The shift toward a more meat-intensive diet,” the clearing of forest areas in many parts of the world in order to raise more cattle and the reliance on synthetic nitrogen for fertilizer are also problems, he added.

"I'll drink to that."


Well, at least he didn't say that we all need to give up our private jets to get from speech to speech and interview to interview.

Just think how close this boob came to being president.



  1. First, Al Gore has been discredited more times than I can count. His man made global warming scam has been exposed and he does not like it. Why does he not like it? He lost and will loose a lot of money. The closing of the Chicago Carbon Exchange (CCX) was a huge lose of millions, if not a trillion dollars (Obama was an early funder of this CCX). Gore's movies, booklets, speeches and such have declined as money makers. No wonder he is angered. His game was exposed as a fraud, as numerous "Scientist's findings have been trashed and one researcher is under investigation for false science.
    But, we will still suffer from the Gore preachings as Gov. Jerry Brown continues to implement "Cap and Trade" in California, with a disasterous effect to follow


  2. Score one for you Gary. I have been expressing oceans of contempt for all kinds of causes who wrap themselves in the mantle of the civil rights movement, including the anti-abortion crowd and PETA. I cheerfully add Al Gore to the list.

    Each cause needs to stand on its own two feet, rise or fall on its own merits, make its case with its own set of facts, and stop trying to make points by analogy to a movement, quite controversial in its time, that everyone NOW agrees we all respect.

    I'm not sure why Gore is such a big deal. Rick Perry was his state campaign chair in 1988, the year he dug up Willie Horton as a campaign issue. The man has held virtually every conceivable political position at some point in his career. He used to be the pro-life congressman from Tennessee. He was the conservative alternative to Michael Dukakis. I recall seeing him on TV telling a rural southern audience, with great feeling, "I have grown tobacco." (He probably meant his hired hands grew the tobacco).

    Since I know a few simple facts that Squid has bypassed, I know perfectly well that the global temperature is increasing, that this is having some complex, and mostly negative, effects on weather and climate, which poses some real threats to human life and prosperity, and that the temperature changes correlate closely with increased carbon dioxide from human industry.

    But Al Gore is about as welcome to the sober pursuit of these facts as Jane Fonda was to the movement to get the U.S. out of Vietnam. I would have preferred that she stuck to being Barbarella.

  3. Hard to imagine that Al Gore and John Edwards could have held the highest offices in the land. I suppose that, as bad as Obama is, it could have been worse.

  4. I wonder if Albert Gore Sr, ex-senator from Tennessee and father of Al Gore was a global warming skeptic. (He didn't support civil rights.)

  5. What did your father say about civil rights Gary? How about your grandfather? Did either of them denounce global warming?

    You're getting a little dizzy. I guess it comes from having nothing to say that's not at least forty years old.

  6. My father and grandfather never heard of global warming. Neither did yours.

  7. The Left has learned how useful the word "Racist" is. Everyone who disagrees with Leftists are called Racist. They feel that they are so compassionate and smart so that if anyone disagrees with them on any policymust either be a racist, stupid, or evil.

    It is overdone already. It no longer is a shocker. Everyone expects those kind of empty ad homonym attacks and responses.
