Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Hunt For Ghaddafi-Update (Sort of)

First, he was in Algeria. Then, a couple of days ago, he was surrounded in an apartment complex in Tripoli. Now he is believed to be in his hometown of Sirte having that last slice of his Mom's apple pie. It is reported that French and NATO planes are helping in the search.

Does anybody know where the Hell Ghaddafi is?

Meanwhile, back in the States, the big news is that hurricane.


  1. No. Nobody knows where Qaddafi is. If it was known, it would be in the news headlines, like when we found out where bin Laden was. Gary Fouse doesn't know either. Could we move on to something that someone DOES know something about?

  2. No, but Gary Fouse doesn't try to read a serious debate into something that what meant in humor.

  3. If you were thinking of being a comedian Gary, don't give up your day job.
