Sunday, May 8, 2011

More Anti-Christian Violence in Egypt

Reporter Lara Logan in Tahrir Square

Once again, Egypt's Coptic Christians have been subjected to violence and murder. This is the untold story of Egypt in the middle of all this "celebration" of the "victory of democracy in Egypt by THE EGYPTIAN PEOPLE" that we constantly read about in the Western press.

Beginning Monday, we will once again be subjected to Israel Apartheid Week at UC-Irvine, an orgy of radical Islamist speakers, self-hating Jews, and other misfits brought in by the Muslim Student Union. All week long, we will hear about the sins of Israel.

What we won't hear about is what is happening to the Coptic Christians in Egypt. Nor will we hear what happened to reporter Lara Logan at Tahrir Square in Cairo as she attempted to report on the events. Nor will we hear about the Christians in Pakistan being killed. Nor will we hear about how the government of Syria is killing its own citizens by the hundreds, day in and day out. Nor will we hear about the spasmodic violence that is shaking the whole Arab world. Nor will we hear about the persecution and murder of Gays and Baha'i in Iran. Nor will we hear about the slaughter of the Fogel family in Itamar a few weeks ago by the noble Palestinians. Nor will we hear about the rocket attack on a schoolbus in Israel by the noble Palestinians in Gaza that killed a 16-year-old boy. Nor will we hear about the kidnap and murder of an Italian activist for the International Solidarity Movement by the noble Palestinians in Gaza, for whom he was working. All we will hear about is how bad Israel is.

The circus begins Monday.


  1. If I had time (and could afford it) I would like to fly on over and check some of this out. I always like a good laugh but may end up finding myself enraged at the stupidity.

  2. I mean fly over to Irvine (not Egypt thank you very much)
