Thursday, April 28, 2011

Muzammil Siddiqi-More Troubling Associations

On May 5, the Orange County Human Relations Commission (OCHRC) will award a humanitarian honor to Dr Muzammil Siddiqi of the Islamic Center of Garden Grove. In recent days, many revelations have come forth to the Orange County community about this so-called moderate's past statements and associations. The Orange County Register began reporting on these allegations through editorialist Frank Mickadeit. Yet, in the end, Mickadeit failed to write the most disturbing charges (which have been out there for years) and relied on written answers to questions from Siddiqi. The final product was a whitewash.

Here is an article written by Alyssa Lappen for Act for America concerning entities such as the Fiqh Council of North America, radical Islamic scholar Yusuf Qaradawi, and Muzammil Siddiqi.

* See footnote 24-Martyrdom Fatwa (below)

So now the questions are:

1 Why did Siddiqi refuse to sign a Freedom Pledge in 2009 for Muslim apostates that they would  not be harmed?

2 What is his explanation for the charge in the Lappen article that he "condoned" a fatwa against US troops fighting in Muslim lands? Did he co-write or have any involvement with Jamal Badawi and Mohammed Nur Abdullah in writing the response linked above in 2003?

3 What is his relationship with the Cairo-based site Islam (Fatwa Board), which is reportedly run by Qaradawi, and which published the above response to a question about attacking US troops?

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