Sunday, March 27, 2011

Student Files Hostile Environment Complaint at York University

York University in Toronto is arguably the most radical university in Canada when it comes to pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel agitation. In the past couple of years, there have been a series of incidents that have brought shame and embarrassment to the university, which has the temerity to continue to deny that a hostile environment for Jews exists on the campus. In February 2009, Jewish students had to take refuge in the Hillel House when radical, pro-Palestinian students besieged them. Now one Jewish student is trying to hold the feckless university administration accountable. (Hat tip to JTA and OC Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism)

Dr. Richard Cravatts of Boston University has written an article on York University which addresses the anti-Semitic nature of what is going on there (Daily Targum).

Below is a first-hand account of the 2009 Hillel House incident (Full Comment).

It seems to me that legal action at York University is long overdue. This is just one example of how North American university administrators have allowed their campuses to become battlegrounds over the Israel-Palestinian conflict-courtesy of the militant and well-organized pro-Palestinian side.


  1. I wonder if a complaint (lawsuit) would work at an American University.

  2. I remember that. I wasn't present, but a Jewish woman teacher I know saw it and thought it was real. She was quite upset. I initially reported it as she perceived it and when it turned out it was a spoof, I criticized the guy for contributing to an already volatile situation.
