Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pakistani Actress Slaps Down Mullah

Hat tip to MEMRI and Hot Air

Enroll me as a member of the Veena Malik fan club. Not only is she drop-dead beautiful but courageous as well. Malik is a well-known Pakistani actress who performed in India and incurred the wrath of some dopey Pakistani mullah for his perception of "immorality". Watch as she defends herself and slaps down the mullah.

One can only hope and pray that she stays safe.

Oh yes. As yet, we are still waiting for N.O.W. to issue a statement in support of Malik. Should be any minute now.


  1. As Malik says so eloquently, the nonsense this mullah is pushing is neither of Islam nor consistent with the life of the Prophet.

  2. Siarlys,

    But he is the imam or mullah. No less a person than qaradawi says the same stuff. How do you know that what the mullah says is "neither of Islam nor consistent with the life of the prophet? Mohammed was a warrior, was he not? What was he fighting for?

  3. His life, Gary. He was fighting for his life. Almost everyone in Mecca wanted his head for disturbing their peaceful pursuit of graft, and the lucrative trade in idol worship. They may have resented his occasional whim about treating women a little nicer -- relatively speaking, for the culture in which he grew up.

    Ironically, the Quraysh clan, who had been his bitterest enemies, once he turned the tables on them, decided that the new Muslim movement (Muhammed conveniently died only a couple of years after destroying the idols in the Kabbah), must be led and ruled by them.

    I would say that Malik has as much right as some self-appointed imam to engage in exegesis on the meaning of the Qu'ran. That's the basis of the Protestant Reformation in Christianity, that there is no earthly authority standing between me and God.
