Friday, March 25, 2011

Deb Pauly Responds

The below video was made at a Villa Park City Council meeting prior to last Tuesday's (March 22) meeting. Here Deb Pauly responds to the controversy over her speech at Yorba Linda on February 13.

It appears that Pauly has no friends on the city council. At the end, you can see what a bunch of wimps they are as they suck up to a young woman who is lambasting Pauly while defending those who disrupted the speech of Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren at UCI last May.

So much for free speech. Pauly was referring to terrorists in her February 13 speech. By the time some other people chose to yell at the dinner attendees as they arrived, Pauly had gone home. Meanwhile, the other side papers over the past history of hateful, inciteful words spoken by the ICNA speakers of February 13. That was the reason that a protest occurred in the first place.

Pauly should just tell them all to take a flying leap.


  1. Pauly did well. The rest of the Council sounded like "Dhimmi's. They just stopped short of asking where the line for paying the "Jiza" starts.


  2. We can agree about the wimpy liberals. We have markedly different reasons for despising them, but the performance of all the men on the council was... well, it was too spineless to call it embarrassing.

    Pauli's presentation was sound -- although it was somewhat in contrast to some less well thought out comments you've posted earlier.

    Anyone who is a passionate advocate is going to be more interested in advancing the cause than in due process. That's natural, and therefore, it is necessary for someone to be in a position to set forth the ground rules and standards.

    Miss Blue Jeans supports the eleven interruptors? OK, she has a right to say that. Other people have a right to say she is absurd. Four members of the council disagree with Pauli? Fine, they can say what they want to say. She doesn't have to "reach consensus" with them. Maybe voters in HER district applaud her, or, maybe they'll vote her out next election.

    But, if Pauli still thinks she did the right thing, she has every right to say so. If Miss Blue Jeans doesn't like it, too bad -- maybe she could try running for the council seat herself next election, and see if she can win.
