Friday, March 25, 2011

Commentary Magazine Article on UJA-Federation of New York

Commentary Magazine is an online conservative Jewish site that supports Israel. This below article concerns funding from the UJA Federation of New York to Jewish Funds for Justice, a George Soros-funded group trying to force Fox News to get rid of  Glenn Beck because they (JFFJ) don't like what Beck says.

Kind of makes you wonder about UJA-Federation of New York's ways of handling money, doesn't it?


On another note, EMET (Endowment for Middle East Truth) has instituted a petition to all Jewish Federation branches in the US to sign a pledge not to fund any group or effort that seeks to promote the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction movement against Israel or any group that is involved in the movement to deligitimize Israel.  I am enclosing a link to that site via the New English Review.

If you go to the petition, you can also find the address for the Jewish Federation in your area, as well as a page that tells you if your local branch has signed the pledge. If you consider yourself a supporter of Israel's right to exist, your local Jewish Federation offices need to hear from you. Please sign the petition.

1 comment:

  1. Why doesn't everyone just focus on promoting THEIR OWN view point, rather than carping about the fact that people who disagree with them are promoting viewpoints disagreeable to those who disagree? What's the difference between Commentary Magazine and Miss Blue Jeans at the Yorba Linda City Council meeting, except one shouts and walks out, while the other rants and raves in the columns of their magazine? Both demand a totalitarian standard of conformity.
