Sunday, October 24, 2010

More Hate Coming to UC -Irvine Ben White to Speak

"One person's hate speech is another person's education"

Well, now that the radical student organization, Students for Justice in Palestine has set up a chapter at UC-Irvine, it looks like they will be off to a roaring start along with their pals in the Muslim Student Union, er, Alkalima-Muslim Students at UCI  (sorry). This coming Thursday, these two groups are bringing in none other than radical British Israel-hater, Ben White to pimp his book, "Israeli Apartheid-A Beginner's Guide".

Of course, nobody should expect a rational discourse from this flake. He is part of the international movement to destroy Israel. Many consider him a Jew-hater. Is he? He denies it, but has written in his response to the charge that "I can undertsand why some people are".

Here is an excerpt from Whites's appearance at Columbia University March 2, 2010.

(Video by Pakayhall)

No, White is not a Catholic priest; he just likes to dress as one. Did you note the kaffiya-clad "security" along the walls at the end?" Amazing how universities allow the organizers of these volatile events to provide their own security instead of the campus police, who prefer to maintain "a low profile".

This is an especially bad time for this appearance at UC-Irvine. The university is trying to convince the public that it has "cracked down" on the Muslim Student Union with a "suspension" for one quarter. Yet, they (MSU) simply create a new group and link arms with the SJP to bring in yet another radical character with a reputation for being an anti-Semite. Meanwhile, the OC Jewish Federation is going around telling the world that they have taken care of "the problem"  at UCI.

What an embarrassment.


  1. He sounds like an unsavory character, long on rhetoric, probably a bit of a narcissist (man y provocative speakers are), and he's throwing around words without paying attention to clear and precise definitions.

    However, pro-Israel critics of such shenanigans would have more credibility if they acknowledged and responded to the manner in which, e.g. the Jewish and Arabic communities in Lod, Israel, are being separated out into two distinct communities, rather than the interdependent and largely integrated communities they have been.

    When the government makes a policy of "strengthening" the Jewish character of the city, by bringing in "more Jews," and building walls to separate the Jewish districts from the Arab ones, which means drawing lines around where people live, and defining people as living on one side of the wall or the other, while the interior minister, from the Shas party, grants building permits for gated communities of upscale housing reserved for religious Zionists (not even the secular Zionists need apply), and cutting off municipal services from the increasingly isolated Arab neighborhoods...

    ...well, that starts to look a bit like apartheid. That wasn't the deal Ben Gurion offered when he called on Arabic residents of the territory designated as Israel to remain.

  2. You use the word "hate" so many times without even describing what it is that this guy says that is hateful. Can you be a little more direct please? It doesn't matter that other people consider him an "Israel-hater," can we get some actual critical analysis from YOU?


  3. Tell you what Katy. I'll be there Thursday to hear him speak. In the meantime, why don't you do some googling and maybe by then, we will agree.

  4. Are you kidding me? Have you even read his book "israeli Apartheid"? There is NOT one word in the book about 'hating' Israel. He is simply laying out the historical facts of the situation on the ground in Israel/Palestine. I have heard him speak and there is nothing malicious or arrogant in his tone. Actually he seems incredibly loving and respectful. He is just passionate for the rights of a people group he has seen first hand being mistreated. Please do attend his talk and see what I mean. I am sorry that you think of him as someone coming with a message of hate....where as I saw him coming with a message of truth and peace.

  5. Anonymous,

    I will take you up on your suggestion. I think I made it clear in my post (in spite of the title) that he has denied being anti-semitic -though he can understand why others are.

    White is labeled a journalist. You might ask your self what makes a journalist? Is it a journalists job to report and inform or persuade others of his opinions.

    I will see for myself how balanced White is. That is what I always expect from a journalist. I realize there are many gradations involved here but from what I have gathered about White, he has an agenda, thus, sounds more to me as an activist or perhaps propagandist. However, I will go and see and hear for myself.

    "A message of truth and peace".

    I always love it when the anti-Israel side speaks of truth and peace. Peace to them means Israel never fights back against terrorism, suicide bombings and rocket attacks. Where are your voices when those crimes are being committed against Israel. Will White speak of those things Thursday?

  6. Why Gary, journalists are subject to the enlightened incentives of the free market. They are responsible to say whatever will earn them the best return on their investment and their labor.

    What kind of Republican conservative are you?

    P.S. I notice you haven't said ANYTHING about Israeli policy in Lod...

  7. Siarlys, I haven't noticed anything you have written about Israeli policy in Lod either. I wonder what the basis is for your views besides the Palestian web sites. Ever been anywhere around there? I also wonder about your fixation, along with the Muslim world, with the problems in Israel. This tiny town in this tiny country consumes your interest to the exclusion of just about anything else. The daily atrocities committed by Muslims around the world just don't register on your conscience but anything that could be a smear on Israel rates a challenge to Gary.


  8. Siarlys,
    It is interesting that you only see and comment on apartheid in Israel. I suppose you believe that the Muslim countries are completely open and tolerant of their minorities ... as you believe they have always been over the centuries. Try building a church in Iran or a keeping a bible in Saudi Arabia and see what the policy is there. Perhaps you think that female genital mutilation or limb amputation for stealing is acceptable as long as it is the custom in Muslim countries. There are highways in Saudi Arabia that only Muslms (men only even) can drive on but that isn't apartheid to you ... only the alleged unfair granting of housing permits in Lod makes your blood boil. (Guess what? Having a Muslim in the midst of a gated community was a security risk in the old days because everyone had to take a shift in guarding against Muslim marauders and the Muslims were not reliable watchmen. It could be a understandable carryover from those days but I suppose you would prefer the Jews put themselves at risk.)

    You no doubt saw this recent story coming out of Lod, since you are such an expert on Israeli policy in Lod, or didn't care to comment on the peaceful, upstanding Muslims living there.


  9. Miggie, I'm really starting to think that you're a satirist and only pretending to be a "conservative". You tried to take Siarlys to task for making false accusations against Gary, (even though he didn't) and then you proceed to accuse him of believing all sorts of horrible things without any evidence whatsoever.

    If you're not doing satire, then you have got to have one of the most simplistic world views. Everything is either one extreme or the other. If somebody finds some fault with Israel, they are therefore completely against the country and 100% in favor of any barbaric practice done on the part of its enemies.

    The fact that you don't even recognize the absurdities that your comments are laden with really makes me wonder what the heck is going on in that head of yours. Is your world really so black and white?

    Oh yeah, but that's right...I'm the idiot.

  10. Gary, if you READ the very first comment in response to THIS VERY POST, you will find that it is ALL ABOUT LOD, Israel. I pointed this out because you are developing a bad habit of ONLY responding to comments you think you can slam dunk, but tip toeing carefully around the ones that might give you pause. Either that, or your eyesight is failing.

    I don't have time to parse Miggie's hallucinations. When he has something to say about something I have posted, I will consider replying to it.

  11. Siarlys,

    Could it possibly be that I didn't know (and still don't) know about the situation in Lod?

  12. Gary, when I present a set of facts, which might call into question some aspect of your presentation, I sort of thought you might either deny the veracity of what I presented, or else modify your position, or perhaps explain why it doesn't change anything, even if true.

    What I did not expect is that you would deny having read it (when nothing goes up here until you have moderated it), and then insist that maybe you knew nothing about it, even after I presented it.

    What I generally conclude when you trip lightly over a set of facts, then deny knowing anything about them, is that you KNOW they are inconvenient, and have no answer to offer.

  13. Ah, then you DID NOT read the first comment in response to this post, paragraphs 2 and 3?

  14. I read your first comment, paragraphs two and three again and it confirms that you don't know what you are talking about. Apparently you you read some Palestinian web site and bought some anti-Zionist slant on what is going on or what went on in Lod.

    I see that you never said you were ever anywhere around Lod, so have no personal knowledge of the situation. You accept, uncritically, the anti-Israel allegations as truthful and not exaggerated or possibly biased.

    I sent you a recent newspaper article about a perfectly legitimate police crackdown there and you ignored that as well. You also decided to ignore my point about your fixation on the presumed problems in Israel to the extent that you ignore other problems around the world (caused by Muslims) that are many times worse. This single inclination would make you a prime candidate for the UCI MSU.

    This is all I (or anyone else) can tell about what the hell you are talking about regarding Lod. It seems you have some obtuse point to make but decline to make yourself clear about it.

    I happen to have been in Lod a number of times. It is comparable to scores of places in the U.S., like East St. Louis, Detroit, parts of Washington D.C., etc. That is not to mention countless shitholes in the MiddleEast Muslim countries that are much worse... But again, they aren't worthy of mention because they can't be blamed on the Jews ... well, maybe they can be according to some crazy theory of yours.


  15. Actually Miggie, I read an article in The Economist, one of Condoleeza Rice's favorite magazines, although, being of British origin, they exhibit a remarkable lack of understanding of our federal constitution.

    It is hardly an anti-Israel magazine, and the article was written more out of concern than eagerness to condemn.

  16. "It is hardly an anti-Israel magazine, and the article was written more out of concern than eagerness to condemn."

    I don't agree at all. The Economist is more anti-Israel oriented than not. Doesn't it even strike you as odd that they would choose to cover this tiny place in Israel over the numerous other more seriously troubled cities in the world? (Not to mention that the story would resonate so well with you?)

    Recall that Israel and Britain have less than a cordial history, not to mention all the British historic connections in the Arab/Muslim. The large, aggressive Muslim community living in England now supports a anti-Israel/anti-Semitic orientation there. Recall the British boycott of Israeli academics and other similar episodes?

    You may have seen that Mohammed is now the most popular baby name in England (!)

    I believe that the next generation of Englishmen and Frenchmen will look more like Yassar Afafat than Atlee or DeGalle, respectively.

