Sunday, October 24, 2010

"Are Jewish Students Safe on UC Campuses?" A Forum

Hat tip to Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism

On October 31, a forum will be held at the Beverly Hills Library auditorium. The theme is the question; "Are Jewish students safe on UC Campuses?" The event is presented by the American Freedom Alliance and is being organized by three UC professors; Leila Beckwith ( prof. emeritus at UCLA), Roberta Seid
(UC-Irvine) and Tammi Benjamin (adjunct UC Santa Cruz). I plan to be there. If you are in the LA area and are interested in this issue, I encourage you to attend. Cost of entry is 10 dollars. Further info is in the below link from the OCITF.


  1. Before anyone holds a forum, someone ought to publish some reliable statistics. Otherwise it will just be a bunch of people reinforcing each other's conviction that it is not safe, which is what would draw someone to attend such a forum. No doubt the forum will then issue a paper broadcasting precisely the pre-existing conclusions that led to the forum in the first place, which will then be cited as authority by bloggers such as Fousesquawk.

  2. Siarlys,

    Rather that rendering wordy opinions about subject matter which you you seem to know little about, perhaps you should visit these campuses yourself, then draw your conclusions?
