Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Congressman Ron Klein Weighs in on UC-Irvine

I am posting a letter received by a friend and colleague from the office of Ron Klein (D), a congressman from Florida's 22nd district in connection with the on-going controversies at the University of California at Irvine. With the permission of the recipient, I am copying the letter below.

Dear _____, (name deleted)

My name is Virginia Neale. I’m a policy advisor to Congressman Klein. The
Congressman received your email and wanted me to pass along a letter he wrote to
urge the Department of Education to reign in schools like UC Irvine that fail to
adequately respond to incidents of anti Semitic harassment against students on
their campuses (the letter is attached). The Congressman organized a briefing
for other members of Congress and their staff members to educate them on the
types of incidents that have occurred at UCI and other schools around the
country, and what the federal government can do to stop and prevent future
incidents. He followed up by drafting a letter to Secretary of Education, Arne
Duncan, to ask him to clarify the Department’s policy in these circumstances.
In the past, the Department has used their authority to deny (or threaten to
deny) federal funds to schools that fail to adequately respond to this type of
discrimination and harassment against their own students. I hope this
information is helpful. Please feel free to send us additional information on
this topic, as it is very important to Congressman Klein.

All the best,

Virginia Neale

Virginia Neale
Legislative Assistant
Congressman Ron Klein (FL-22)
313 Cannon House Office Building

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for putting up the email from Congressman Klein. Is it possible to put up a link to the actual letter he sent to Dept of Education Secretary?

    The value of these and all the other calls and letters is if UCI actually carries through on the disciplinary recommendation. It seems inconceivable but it is far from a done deal.

    The MSU (the same as the Ground Zero Mosque promoters and the woman who is suing Disney because they won't let her wear her head scarf while working ) are adamant about imposing their culture on the rest of the country whether we like it or not or wether it creates more hostility towards them. They are going to do what they want and use our lenient ways and soft hearted and soft headed people to accomplish their goals.
