Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Latest Gulf Coast Update!!!!!!!!!


  1. The "China Syndrome" with oil

  2. The free market at work!

  3. Anonymous,

    I agree. BP is doing a "heckuva job" to borrow a line.

    So is the government.

  4. Like I said before, its a crying shame that President Obama hasn't issued an executive order decreeing that the oil will cease invading the Gulf of Mexico immediately. That's about on a par with George Bush ordering Hurrican Katrina to remain well off shore -- which nobody suggested he could have done.

    Right now, all the government can do is lean on BP, which knows damn well they have all the equipment and know-how, and try to block the oil coming ashore, which is always a dubious proposition.

    Afterwards, the government can refuse to license any more drilling unless some very stringent methods are used -- the ones BP's own engineers have testified could have been used and were not.

    By the way, did you hear Sarah Palin blamed the oil spill on environmentalists? That seems worthy of a Gary Fouse Laughing Chimpanzee Award.
