Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hillary Blasts Arizona Law

"Hey you, Arizona!"

Well, our esteemed secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the smartest woman in the world, has made another pronouncement from Mount Washington. The Arizona immigration law is bad because it invites racial profiling-even though the law specifically prohibits racial profiling.

Well, I guess that settles the argument once and for all. Remember that when she was the wife of Arkansas Governor, one William Jefferson Clinton, she was selected as one of the top ten attorneys in America even though her courtroom experience to this day consists pretty much of having to testify before a grand jury in connection with her Rose Law Firm dealings.

So count Hillary as another Washington insider in the Obama administration who doesn't care one whit about Arizona's problem with half a million illegals, cops and ranchers being shot, Phoenix being the kidnap capital of the US, and the state's border being the prime crossing point. Clinton represents the Washington establishment which has for decades, under all administrations, ignored the problems on our southwest border. What chutzpah. Then again, she is the queen of chutzpah.

Remember Hillary, you are the secretary of state not the interior minister. Isn't there some foreign country where you need to go and piss off the natives?

I thought so.


  1. If the Feds ever did their job, Arizona wouldn't have to pass laws like this.

  2. The Arizona law specifically prohibits racial profiling... and the constitution of the USSR contained more civil liberties and human rights protections than our own...

    ...its all in how you enforce these things. A police officer who is instructed to determine whether there is reason to believe the person is in Arizona without either citizenship or legal documentation has two options:

    1) look for tell-tale footprints leading back to the border

    2) look for anyone who appears to be Mexican.

    No racial profiling?

    There was a case thirty years ago of an American citizen, born in Texas, of Mexican ancestry, who was picking fruit in Florida when an INS raid hit the orchard. (In those days, the feds did the big bad stuff). Having no documents to PROVE his citizenship, his verbal protests were ignored, and he was put on a plane to Yucatan (the closest Mexican territory as the crow flies). He had to beg, borrow and hitch-hike his way back to Texas. This was published in that well-known left-wing rag, the Reader's Digest.
