Saturday, November 1, 2008

What If.............McCain Wins?

McCain Wins!!!

"Hey, look up there. Isn't that King Kong?"

"Nah. That's Keith Olbermann"

I may be whistling Dixie here, but what if John McCain wins Tuesday?

What will the Mainstream media say? For example, Chris Matthews, who has all but implied that he wants to have Barack Obama's baby, might break down and cry on national television instead of screaming hurray, like he did in the 2006 Congressional elections when hearing another Democrat had won.

Will the New York Times shut down?

Will Keith Olbermann finally go over the edge and take hostages?

Think of all the angry e-mails CNN's Jack Cafferty will be reading on The Situation Room. And poor Wolf Blitzer will be so discombobulated, he won't know what to say.

What will be the reaction in Hollywood? Will there be air traffic congestion over the skies of LA as half of the "stars" in Tinseltown leave the country-never to return?

And what will Jeremiah Wright and Father Michael Pfleger tell their Sunday congregations?

And think of all the unrest in our universities as outraged professors lead outraged students on mass demonstrations.

And what about our European allies? Will they be in shock and scold us for not electing "The One"?

Will the Democratic Party cry foul and charge "voter intimidation" because a few thousand ACORN registrations were disqualified? Will Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi call for a congressional investigation of how McCain could win when all the polls said Obama was ahead?

Will they all blame it on the "Right-wing smear merchants" and bloggers?

Who knows what will happen if Mccain wins. However, if the odds are correct, I guess I won't see all that outrage from the left. Pity.

But wouldn't it be great?


  1. The Daily Show did a funny bit where they interviewed supporters of both candidates about what would happen if the other guy wins. They got some pretty nutty answers from both sides.

  2. To me, if McCain wins, it would be delightful to watch the reactions of the people I mentioned.

  3. I'm more looking forward to seeing the right implode. Though the blow of crushing defeat might be a little bit blunted, because most are already expecting the worst I think.

  4. Bryan,

    I'm still not giving up on McCain, Tuesday. I think you also miss the point that there is a distinction between conservatives and the Republican party. Many conservatives have concluded that the Rep party has lost its way which accounts for their defeats. Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh have it themselves; they are conservatives before they are Republicans.

    I am not even a Republican, so it won't be a crushing defeat for me. It just think what is coming Tuesday figures to be something the country will come to regret. You can say the Republicans deserve to lose, and I would agree. I just hate to see the country turned over to Obama, Reid and Pelosi.

  5. Gary, I respectfully disagree with the idea that the Republican party is losing because they haven't stayed far enough to the right. From everything I am reading, it appears as though the exact opposite is true: they are losing because they've tried moving too far to the right. They've relied too heavily on far-right Christian conservative groups and been trying too hard to appeal to them at the expense of more moderate voters. The truth is, this constituency of conservative evangelicals by itself isn't large enough to maintain the party's power.

    I'd personally like to see the conservative movement return to its core ideals of small government and FISCAL conservative values rather than all of this silly social stuff they've become involved in.

  6. Bryan,

    We will have to agree to disagree on that. I think you guys on the left put way too much emphasis on the Christian right and their power. A lot of them are critical of Mccain too.

    I do agree with your last paragraph though and that is really the point I was trying to make about the Republican Party.

  7. He didn't win, and there whas lots of people upset. Upset that the other countries will be coming over here like King Kong, only taking over because the left-wing illuminati will show no authority.

  8. He didn't, just like the liberal illuminati met with him only to gloat, instead of seeking his help like they said they would.
