Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Reply to FJ

"You suck, Fousesquawk!!"

Sorry FJ, I published your retort, but I have no idea which thread you sent it under. Now I can't find it, so rather than go through my 700 plus essays (which you apparently did), I'll just give you the honor of a complete post, how's that?

FJ, in a comment said that he had been following the comments section of my blog (probably my back and forths with Lance and Bryan). For some reason, he takes exception to my use of the word, illuminati vs luminati, which might have been a semantic error on my part. He also objected to my calling Paul Krugman, ("one of the world's greatest economists") a worm. FJ goes on to say that I come across as a teenager and to "keep up the good work".

Did I get it all right?

Keep those cards and letters coming, FJ. Believe it or not, this is a site that welcomes disagreements. I may be a little sophmoric at times in my efforts to inject a little humor into a subject, but unfortunately for me, my teenage years ended some 45 years ago.

As for Mr Krugman, he may well be the world's greatest economist. I didn't attack him as an economist. I attacked him because he, as a political columnist, has attacked a lot of other people. He now opens himself up to retorts. When Paul Krugman comes face to face with one of those he has attacked, yes, like the ever-effervescent Bill O'Reilly, he acts like a worm. I described his actions when he was confronted by O'Reilly. He loves to dish it out behind his typewriter, I mean word processor, but he shrivels up like a worm in a heat wave when he has to go face to face with those he attacks.

Yes, Paul Krugman is a worm.

As for the luminati/illuminati exchange, you must be an expert at finding needles in haystacks. Inept as I am at the computer, I can't even find your comment now that I've published it.

Last comment: I hope you at least clicked a few of those ads while you were scouring through all my comment pages. Keep up the good work.

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