Thursday, May 29, 2008

Scott McClellan' s Book

So now comes the latest tell-all book from a Washington insider who seeks to cash in on his White House experience. Former White House Press Secretary, Scott McClellan has now come out with his book, "What Happened", which trashes his former boss, President Bush, as well as Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

Reactions to the book, as would be predicted, are varied according to what side of the fence you sit. Democrats and liberals are playing up the book for all it's worth. Just today, McClellan appeared with Meredith Vieira on the "Today Show" and took up an entire show with none other than that noted Bush admirer, Keith Olbermann (MSNBC). Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL)wants to bring McClellan before Congress to testify. On the other side of the fence, White House officials are expressing dismay at the "Scott we thought we knew". Bob Dole has released a letter he sent to McClellan calling him a miserable creature who is cashing in on his White House service. Others point out that McClellan refers to meetings he did not attend. Still others are saying that there is nothing knew in the book; Bush did not handle Katrina well? He tried to sell Iraq to the public? What else is new? Why didn't he speak out if he saw things that he thought were wrong? (He served as press secretary from 2003-2006).

For me, sitting here in Orange County, California, I don't know what is true or not true. I will not read the book (nor do I read political autobios that I would agree with-too self-serving).

Yet, I have the same questions and doubts that others have expressed. Here is another in a long line of political animals who have come to Washington, tasted power in the shadow of a president, and cashed in with a book deal after they have left government service. Is it unseemly? You bet it is. Does it speak ill of the caliber of men and women who are running Washington? Absolutely.

Of course, McClellan is already telling the world his true motivation for writing the book-he wants to "change the culture in Washington".

Of course he does. In the words of so many who have preceded him:

"THAT'S WHY I WROTE THIS BOOK, LARRY." (The Larry King on Life Support appearance should be any day now.)

Scott McClellan may be totally honest in his book for all I know. But for now, I tend to think that Bob Dole has it right.


  1. Bob Dole wrote a letter to Scott McClellan? Where? Where was it published? Who is your source for this information?

  2. It was read on Hannity and Colmes (Fox News)last night.

  3. Jon Stewart had Richard Clarke on his show last night. It was pretty funny, because they read quotes from McClellan where he accused Clarke of the exact same thing that McClellan is being accused of now.

    I agree that McClellan is jumping on the bandwagon, and if he had a conscience, he would have quit that job long ago. This book won't change the mind of the true believers out there, and for people like myself, it's not saying anything new (from what I can tell).

    Perhaps McClellan can adopt a superhero identity - Captain Obvious.

  4. I agree Lance. There is nothing new here, but the left will treat this guy like Klaus von Stauffenberg (the army guy who tried to kill Hitler).

    And to anonymous:

    I had to correct two words in my original blog regarding Bob Dole's letter. He called McClellan a "miserable creature", not a "dispicable person". I hope by now that anonymous knows this letter is real.
