Thursday, May 29, 2008

Oh No! Another Obama Minister- Meet Father Michael Pfleger

Father Michael Pfleger (R) with Louis Farrakhan

Tapes are now surfacing on YouTube of a sermon given at the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago (Barack Obama's Church) by activist Roman Catholic priest, Michael Pfleger. The sermon was given on May 25, 2008. Pfleger is a controversial priest who is associated with the St Sabina Catholic Church in Chicago, a largely black congregation. (Pfleger is white.) In his sermon, Pfleger copies the oratorical style of his friend, Jeremiah Wright, alternating between using a soft, low voice then rising to a screaming crescendo. (It has to be the most ridiculous performance since Pat Boone sang "Tutti Frutti".)

Pfleger is known as a renegade priest. He has been involved in various social movements in Chicago including work with drug users and prostitutes. However, he is not afraid to venture into political matters, making controversial statements and drawing the ire of his Bishop in the process.

In May of 2007, Pfleger appeared at a Rainbow Push protest outside Chuck's Gun Shop, which had been identified as the source of many guns used in Chicago gang shootings. During his talk, Pfleger said (referring to the shop owner), "We're going to find you and snuff you out like a rat. Like a rat, you can hide. But like a rat, we're going to catch you and pull you out."

These are the words of a Roman Catholic priest. A Roman Catholic priest who is an associate of Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan and Barack Obama. (Up until a couple of weeks ago, Pfleger was listed on Obama's web site as a "spiritual endorser". It is also being reported that Obama obtained a $100,000 dollar earmark for Pfleger's church.

In this week's sermon, Pfleger spoke on the on-going election. Shouting to the rafters, he scolded white people who don't hold themselves responsible for slavery.

"I must now address the one who says, 'don't hold me responsible for what my ancestors did. But you have enjoyed the benefits of what your ancestors did! Unless you are ready to give up the benefits -throw away your 401 fund. Throw away your trust fund! Throw away all the money that been put away in the company you walked into 'cause your daddy and your granddaddy and your great grandaddy... Unless you are willing to give up the benefits, then you must be responsible for what was done in your generation! 'Cause you are the beneficiary of this insurance policy!"

Then Father Pfleger continues his "sermon" about Hillary Clinton:

"When Hillary was crying and people said that was put on, I really don't believe it was put on. I really believe that she just always thought, 'this is mine. I'm Bill's wife. I'm white, and this is mine. I just gotta get up and step into the plate'

"Then out of nowhere, I'm Barack Obama!"

"Ah, damn! Where did you come from? I'm white! I'm entitled! There's a black man stealing my show!", as he pulls out a hanky and mocks Clinton's crying.

"She wasn't the only one crying. There was a whole lot of white people crying!"

All this as the congregation went wild.

Today, Obama expressed his disagreement and disappointment with Pfleger's remarks. (sound familiar?) In addition, Pfleger has now apologized for his comments about Hillary Clinton. Also, he took pains to point out that his comments were not in accordance with the views of Obama.

The problem is this is hardly the first time Pfleger has made outrageous comments unworthy of a religious figure. Of course, the Bishop in Chicago (Cardinal Francis George) is also deserving of criticism because he is obviously afraid to get rid of this guy.

So now add the name Michael Pfleger to the Obama "honor roll" of questionable associates (Wright, Ayers, Rezko et al).


  1. Let Obama fight for the Presidency of the USA which is his choice. He has done a good job for such a young man. His vocabulary is flawless as is his English. He has had an uphill battle with Mrs. Bill Clinton which any candidate running against her would have. I say Bravo Obama - go for it. Let the jealous bigots criticize you.
    Obama you have a good chance of winning and you deserve it.
    JJ Jaime

  2. To JJ Jaime,

    Barack Obama will almost certainly have his shot at the presidency. However, you shouldn't disregard any and all opposition to him as coming from "jealous bigots". He himself has stated that if he loses, it will not be due to his race-and I don't think it will.
    There are legitimate reasons for not voting for Obama-which have nothing to do with his race. Certainly, some will, but not enough, in my view, to make a difference.
