Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Austria: Another Vehicular Rampage (2)

"I don't see anything"

Here we go again. Yesterday in Vienna, a 35-year-old man (described in some media outlets as an Austrian) allegedly got drunk, stole a van, drove into the inner city at a high rate of speed, drove into a pedestrian zone, and ran the vehicle into the Plague Column monument. He tried to flee but was quickly arrested by police, all the while reportedly shouting, "Allahu Akhbar, "I will f--- your mother," and "I will sink you all into the canal." The man was quickly assumed to be insane and was transported to a psychiatric facility for further examination. There were no injuries. Terror was quickly ruled out.

Nothing to see here, Folks.

*Update: Note the final paragraph below. It appears that there were two separate vehicular rampage incidents in Vienna. In a second incident, there was reportedly one injury and 16 police shots fired at the driver who escaped. Some clarification is needed, and we will try to sort it all out. Jihad Watch Deutschland is also reporting two separate incidents.

The below article from the conservative Austrian site, Unzensuriert, is translated by Fousesquawk.

The man who drove a stolen van at the Vienna Plague Column resisted arrest but was arrested a few meters away

4 March 2025 13:15


With a stolen auto: Inner city racer cries, "Allahu Akhbar".

On Monday evening, a delivery van was driven through the Vienna inner city and into the Plague Column (memorial) on the Graben (name of a street). After the attacks in Magdeburg and Munich, as well as the car rampage with as an yet unknown motive in Mannheim, many feared yet another terror attack. Passersby panicked and fled.

Terror attack quickly ruled out

A terror attack was quickly ruled out: The police explained that a drunken driver lost control of his vehicle, (and) there were no injuries. Now it is known: The man was causing a ruckus during his arrest,  was shouting unambiguous slogans, and "his" vehicle was not his. 

Vehicle had been stolen from a construction firm

The delivery van, which belonged to a Vienna construction company, was stolen from a construction site in Vienna-Penzing shortly before the speeding incident in the pedestrian zone. The man drove from Habsburgergasse (narrow street or alley) in the First District to the Graben, accelerating and braking alternately. The collision with the Plague Column came when police officers were alerted to the man and the stolen vehicle drove into the bollards of the column.

Was the drunken driver an Islamist?

The man resisted arrest, reportedly (shouting) "Allahu Akhbar" several times, "I will f--- your mother", and "I will sink you all in the canal." The flight was quickly stopped after a few meters, (and) the 35-year-old's blood-alcohol level was measured at  1.2 per ml. Due to his psychological problems, he was transported to a psychiatric facility.


The police now announce on X that the driving incident in the Vienna inner city and the driving incident of the 35-year-old are two separate incidents. The two incidents are not connected to each other. The State Criminal Police of Vienna are now investigating under the direction of the State Prosecutor's Office of Vienna, according to the State Police Directorate in Vienna. The initial press release on the incident on Graben is no longer accessible.


Translator's update:

The Austrian daily, Kronen Zeitung, describes both incidents. 

1 At 17:40, the incident described in the Unzensuriert article occurred.

 2 The second incident began around 18:00 involving a Mercedes Benz with expired German transfer plates.  The unidentified driver was involved in a police chase on a main Vienna artery in the southeast sector. When he had to brake for a traffic jam, police set up a roadblock which he drove through aiming his car at an officer. At this point, the police fired 16 rounds at the vehicle, which failed to stop him. Eventually, the driver exited the vehicle and ran into an office building that housed the Asylum and Immigration office. Police were unable to find him

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