Monday, February 24, 2025

Miko Peled Defends October 7

Miko Peled in uniform

"On October 7, 2023, fighters came out of one of the poorest, most oppressed and most heavily controlled and monitored regions in the world and they were able to paralyze the apartheid state. No one has ever been able to do that. Considering the apartheid state has enormous military and intelligence capabilities, it is shocking that these fighters, who came from a concentration camp where water fit for human consumption is a luxury and the basic most needs for survival are non-existent, were able to change the power dynamic so dramatically. It was a watershed moment for Palestine."

-Miko Peled

Miko Peled is an Israeli immigrant to the US. He is also a fierce opponent of his country of birth. For several years here in the US, he has spoken in various venues including college campuses. In 2013, he spoke at the University of California at Irvine, and I was present. Not a particularly pleasant chap, he objected to my videotaping his speech and unsuccessfully tried to have me stop.

In this interview, which is posted in Informed Comment, the curiously-named blog of University of Michigan comedian and professor, Juan Cole, he once again attacks the Jewish state.  As he normally does, he just uses the standard talking points of the Palestinians in referring to the country of his birth (apartheid, genocide, ethnic cleansing). His hatred for Israel seeps through his words.

Of particular interest is his answer to a question from Iranian interviewer Fariba Amini about October 7, 2023, and the barbaric (my word, not theirs)  Hamas attack on Israel, which he justifies. And this man is described in the article as a "peace activist".

And this character we allowed to come and live here is also apparently a great friend to the mullahs in Iran, whom he visited in 2018. That says a lot about his agenda.

And if that isn't enough, he makes the boffo claim that once the "apartheid state falls", everyone will live in peace and harmony in a free and democratic Palestine. Even after October 7, he has the gumption to make that claim.

But there is one piece of good news to those of us living in California. Peled, who was residing in San Diego, has now apparently moved to Washington DC, where he has set up some sort of Palestinian home away from home.

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