Sunday, February 16, 2025

Germany: The Family of 2 Deceased Victims of Terror Attack Speak Out

-Daily Mail (UK)

 As we have previously reported, two victims of the car attack this week in Munich, a mother and her 2-year-old daughter, have died from their injuries. The driver, an asylum-seeker from Afghanistan, was clearly on a mission of jihad. Ironically, the mother was born in Algeria 37 years ago and immigrated at the age of 4 to Germany. 

On Saturday, the Munich newspaper, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, interviewed several members of the victims' family. The translation is by Fousesquawk.

Attack in Munich: In a statement, the family requests that the deaths not be exploited

By Bernd Kastner

"Amel was a person who stood for justice." The family of the mother and her 2-year-old daughter requested an interview with Sueddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) and to publish an emotional appeal.

Two days after the attack in Munich, a 37-year-old woman and her 2-year-old daughter died. This was reported to Sueddeutsche Zeitung by the relatives. The mother was walking at the end of a demonstration march by the Verdi union, into which a young man drove with his car. She had her daughter with her in a stroller.

On Saturday afternoon the family of the deceased asked SZ for an interview. The father and husband, together with relatives, had prepared a statement in the name of family and friends.

In it, they gave thanks for the sympathy and solidarity. "We  thank the workers, the nurses, and doctors, for the good support, companionship, and emotional support." They only want the first names of both deceased published. The mother is Amel, Hafta the daughter.

According to the family, the 37-year-old woman was born in Algeria and came to Germany at age 4. She studied environmental protection, and since 2017, was working as an engineer for the city of Munich. She most recently worked as department head with the Munich City Drainage. For the family, it is important that the deaths of the mother and daughter not be used, "to stir up hate," and not be politically exploited. The statement says, "Amel was a person who stood for justice. She was active for solidarity and equality, and she fought for workers' rights and against xenophobia and exclusion. It was very important to her to pass on these values to her daughter."

The husband of the deceased, his sister, the sister of the deceased, and a cousin participated in the conversation with SZ. The father and husband of both deceased does not want his name, which is known to SZ, published. The 38-year-old reported that in the past few days, he has been well supported by his wife's colleagues, relatives, and friends. he expressly thanked the police and all rescue services. Also, the employees of a crisis intervention team provided good support. "They did good work."

The stroller that after the attack was lying at the intersection and can be seen in many photos, was the one with which his wife and daughter were walking.

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