Wednesday, February 12, 2025

France: Suspect Confesses to Murder of 11-Year-Old Girl

Hat tip Francois DeSouche  and Valeurs Actuelles

Epinay-sur-Orge (Essonne), France

In the latest development of the case of  Louise, the 11-year-old schoolgirl stabbed to death on her way home from school in Epinay-sur Orge (Essonne), France, the principal suspect, Owen L., has reportedly confessed to police.

The French news site, Valeurs Actuelles, reports that Owen L. was born in Paris, in the 19th arrondissement (district), and is a French citizen. Quoting Le ParisianValeurs Actuelles describes his parents as "perfectly integrated". (His father works in a bank, and his mother is director of human relations for a Paris cultural establishment, according to the below article in Le Figaro.) 

The below article from Le Figaro was cross-posted today by the French blog, Francois deSouche. It is translated by Fousesquawk. 

The Louise Affair: Owen L. has confessed. Angry after a video game, he reportedly robbed the little girl and then "panicked". He is described by former associates as "riff-raff" in contrast with the rather well-off status of his family. (Updated)

By Jean-Robert   Feb 12, 2025 at 19:44

Mohammed, who worked with Owen until 2022, describes him as someone "influenceable". "He's a sheep, a guy who follows people," he describes his friend, whom he also knew in school, without concession. "We saw it in his style of dress: always going out in the latest jogging suit (jogging-editor's note), acting like a thug," Mohammed mocks. In a video circulating on social media, Owen films himself while giving the middle finger. "I had nothing but three poukav (a traitor, editor's note), they (sic) wanted to blame me," the legend reads.  

Owen, Mohammed, and their gang used to hang out in the Carrefour parking lot, 500 meters from the suspect's residence. They would listen to music and talk. Then, from 2022, their paths parted. Owen joined other youths in Epinay-sur-Orge. "He changed gangs, overnight." The first 23-year-old youth arrested the day after the death of Louise and his girlfriend were part of the same gang that Owen had left. "He had a bit of a double personality. With us, he was a reserved guy, in his corner. With the others, he was clever. But deep inside, he was not bad," Mohammed claims. (...)

Despite his small-time appearance, Owen L. came from a rather privileged environment. His parents, who met in their youth, settled in Epinay-sur-Orge about 15 years ago. They had two children, Owen and his little sister. The family lives in a white house located in a quiet alley, just a few blocks from that of Louise. Owen's father, 49, has worked in a large French bank for more than 13 years. He also established a poker club in 2010. His mother, 48, is the director of human resources for a prestigious Parisian cultural establishment. (...)

"Very angry" after a dispute with an online player during a game of Fortnite, Owen L. confessed in custody to having stabbed Louise to death. According to his version, he had initially gone out from his home with the intention of extorting money from someone "to calm down". He reportedly followed the schoolgirl, who had her cell phone around her neck, Friday around 2 pm before luring her into the wooded area of Templiers under the pretext of a lost object. While he was going through Louise's bag, the cries of the child reportedly made him "panic". According to his statements, he then returned home with blood on his coat before confiding to his girlfriend that he had "stabbed a schoolgirl whom he did not know".  The girlfriend in question recognized him from the images of the video surveillance camera.

Owen L. had been known previously to the courts for two attempted thefts in June 2021 and February 2022. His 19-year-old sister, who described him as "nervous", "violent", and "aggressive", had also filed a complaint against him in April 2023 after having suffered violence from him. A few days before the crime, he had approached another 12-year-old schoolgirl under the pretext of "having lost an object in the forest". (...) 

Le Figaro

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