Saturday, February 22, 2025

France: One Dead Several Injured in Stabbing Attack in Mulhouse

"Allahu Akhbar"

It has become a daily occurrence in France. In the French city of Mulhouse, an Algerian man went on a stabbing rampage while shouting, "Allahu Akhbar". At this point, one person is dead and several others are injured. The suspect was already known to police as a terrorist risk and was under orders to leave the country. Though not spelled out in the below article, he is in custody.

 Mulhouse (Alsace-Haut Rhin), France

The below article from today's Le Figaro is translated by Fousesquawk. 

Mulhouse: At least one dead and several injured in a knife attack to the cry of, "Allahu Akhbar"

-Hugues Maillot

Posted 22 February76 at 17:35. Updated 22 February at 18:20

Caption: An investigator at the scene of the crime

The suspect, born in 1987 in Algeria, is on file as a risk of "terrorism", the prosecutor indicates. According to our information, he was under obligation to leave (France) and was awaiting several judgments. The National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor's Office has taken charge of the case.

One person is deceased and several others injured in a knife attack, Saturday 22 February, in the middle of the afternoon, at the edge of a demonstration in Mulhouse, the Prosecutor's Office has announced. Two municipal police officers were seriously injured, one in the carotid and the other in the chest, Prosecutor Nicolas Heitz indicates. Three other officers were also slightly struck. The National Terrorist Prosecutor's Office (Pnat) announces that it has taken over the case, opened for murder in connection to a terrorist enterprise and attempted murder of public officials in connection to a terrorist enterprise." A civilian who intervened has died," the Pnat stated in a press release."

The suspect, born in Algeria in 1987, "is on file in the FSPRT, the Files for Processing Reports for Prevention of Radicalization of a Terrorist Nature, Nicolas Heitz announces. According to our information, he is under an order to leave (France) (OQTF) and currently under judicial control with house arrest, awaiting several judgments. he reportedly cried, "Allahu Akhbar" during the act.

Terrorist theory "beyond doubt"

Emmanuel Macron has evoked an "act of Islamist terrorism"...... "that is beyond doubt", in expressing the "solidarity of the entire nation". The head of state indicated that the Interior Minister, Bruno Retailleau would be en route to the location "(Saturday evening) to give the details of the case". "I want to express (...) the determination of the government and mine to continue the work that has been ours for 8 years to eradicate terrorism on our soil," he added during a visit to the Agricultural Show in Paris.

The events played out shortly before 4 pm on the sidelines of a demonstration in support of the Congo. At the location, near the covered canal market, a security perimeter has been set up. "The horror has seized our city," the mayor of the city, Michele Lutz, deplored in a statement posted on Facebook. "The terrorist theory seems to be (probable) for the moment. That will, naturally, be confirmed at the judicial level," she added. She addressed her "fraternal sentiments" to the victims and their families."

*Update: Portuguese media is reporting that the deceased victim is a 69-year-old Portuguese citizen.

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