Sunday, February 9, 2025

Fousesquawk Annual Super Bowl Lock (2025)

It's that time of year again. A game is being played that 1.4 billion Chinese people don't know about.

It's the Chief vs the Eagles in the Super Bowl with President Trump in attendance no less.

Here's what to expect:

Two hours before the game, there will be a two-hour pre-game show where every possible angle is scrutinized. Then someone will come out and sing the National Anthem as Air Force jets fly over the Superdome. Nobody in the stadium will see that because the Superdome is completely enclosed. I'm laying 2 to 1 odds that whoever sings the anthem will totally butcher it.

During the game, the broadcast will periodically go down to the sidelines where some female reporter will tell us what player or coach she has talked to, what she asked, and what inane answer he gave. At some point she will give us some human interest story involving one of the players.

Every time Travis Kelse makes a catch, the camera will shift to his girlfriend, Taylor Swift in the Chiefs' box cheering and hugging whoever is next to her.

At half-time, the big show will feature some rapper I have never heard of. Then again, I've never heard of any rappers. About 500 young rap fans will run onto the field and play grab ass. I'll miss it because I will find something else to do for 30+ minutes.

Now for the moment you've all been waiting for- my final score prediction.

Eagles 27

Chiefs 24 

That's unless the Chiefs do what they have done about 12 times this year-pull out a victory with some freak play in the final minute or the refs blow a call.


*Update: Hi, it's me. I'm back. It's halftime. Chiefs 0 Eagles 24. Just taking care of a few odds and ends during the halftime show.

I don't know if she's reacting to the game or the halftime show.

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