Tuesday, January 28, 2025

UC Irvine Anteater Antics

You can't put a price tag on 4 years of college. (Actually, there is a price tag, and it's pretty steep.)

Take UC Irvine (home of the Anteaters), for example, where I taught part-time from 1998-2016. They are putting on a musical performance/lecture devoted to the topic of white privilege. Campus Reform has the report.

Here is a fun fact based on my own experience at UC Irvine. When I was there, a little over 50% of the students were Asian-Americans. You know why? Because they were serious students, mostly studying serious subjects and not causing any uproar on campus. I wish it had been 100%. Throw in black students, Middle Eastern students, and Hispanic students, and the % of non-whites was higher. I suspect the numbers are similar today. So where is the white privilege among students? What am I missing here?

This is just more woke nonsense designed to divide us into competing tribes, victims vs oppressors. Nobody is being oppressed at UC Irvine (except for Jewish students during the periodic outbreaks of anti-Israel hysteria). Should a limit be placed on the number of Asian-American students, I will add them to that category.

So even though the event itself is free, I would ask any parent who is paying tuition to send their kid to UCI: Is this what you are paying for?

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