Saturday, January 25, 2025

Sweden: Integration Minister Knows How to Stop Immigrant Rape-Courses

Hat tip Fria Tider

Mats Persson

Sweden's Integration Minister, Mats Persson (of the Liberal party), has two suggestions as to how to change the fact that Sweden is known as the rape capital of Europe. First, he suggests making the sentences for rape longer. Currently, the minimum sentence is three years, ridiculously low. That's a good idea. Now for the second suggestion, which in my view, is incredibly naive. Persson wants to install obligatory classes for new arrivals, especially from the Middle East and Africa, to teach these folks about Swedish values when it comes to women/homosexual rights.

He even wants testing to be sure the new arrivals know that rape is illegal in Sweden. I wonder if that will be a written test or practical exercise.

The below article from the conservative Swedish site, Fria Tider, is translated by Fousesquawk.

Minister: Immigrants must take courses that it is wrong to rape.

Posted Jnaury 20, 2025 at 12:10

Domestic. By letting immigrants take courses in "liberal values", we can get them to stop raping. That is what Integration Minister Mats Persson (L) says in an interview with Expressen.

That immigrants are extremely overrepresented in rape statistics has been known for a very long time, and that is something that Fria Tider has reported since the beginning of 2009.

However, the phenomenon has been totally obscured in public Sweden- until now when it has begun to be described as a problem. Recently, Expressen has suddenly begun to report on immigrants' overrepresentation in sex crime statistics.

Now the newspaper has interviewed Integration Minister, Mats Persson (L), who reports that the government now wants to take action to counter the development. Among other things, through sharper punishments and obligatory education for new arrivals.

"We need to deal with the anxiety in Sweden and realize that values play a big role," says Persson.

Mats Persson claims that "patriarchal structures" and a different view of equality lie behind the statistics, something that according to him, demands harder sentences and clear lines for which values apply in Sweden.

Among other things, he wants to increase the minimum sentence for rape, which since 2022 is three years in prison, as well as introduce clear rules for deportation for serious crimes.

"It is incredibly important that people feel that the system is fair," says Persson.

Focus on "liberal values"

In addition to increasing penalties, the government wants to strengthen education for new arrivals, where issues of equality, women's rights, and views on sexuality are stressed, "much" more. Education should also include obligatory tests to ensure that participants understand "liberal values", according to Persson.

"We must be clear from Day One that those who come here support our views on women's and homosexuals' rights," says Persson.

An integration barometer, in which new arrivals values are anonymously charted, is also planned in order to create a better basis for directed efforts.

Research shows that people from the Middle East and Africa are most overrepresented among those convicted of rape. According to Persson, special measures may be taken in the future for groups from regions with different views on so-called equality.

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