Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Buildings Defaced at UNC by Pro-Hamas Thugs

Hat tip Campus Reform

-Daily Tarheel

It's the same old familiar story. On September 19, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, hundreds of pro-Hamas activists, led by (who else?) Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), marched around campus, disrupted classes, and spray-painted buildings with insults directed at the school, ROTC, and Israel. In addition, they took down an American flag and put up the Palestinian flag. Campus Reform has the report here.

The UNC campus newspaper, Daily Tarheel, has a report with several photographs here. Like virtually all campus papers, the Daily Tarheel has an op-ed editorial page. Thus far, I see no pieces devoted to the incident, let alone condemning the incident, in that section. Hopefully, the next edition will, but I am not optimistic.

As we all know by now, this is what the pro-Palestinian mob does. They deface, destroy, disrupt, assault, tear down etc. They are utterly incapable of building anything constructive. There should be no room on any campus for these thugs. They need to be charged and expelled from campus, not suspended, expelled. As for professors withholding grades "in solidarity", they should be summarily fired.

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