Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Austria: Police Thwart Terror Attack at Taylor Swift Concert

Suspect, Beran A. 
(The Sun)

Three Taylor Swift concerts scheduled for this coming weekend in Vienna have been abruptly canceled after police uncovered a terror plot believed to be targeting one of the three events. Two men are in custody, one 19-year-old Austrian citizen with roots in North Macedonia and a 17-year-old. Neither subject has been named. The 19-year-old was arrested during a search of his residence in Tirnitz (Lower Austria). Chemical substances were reportedly found by police in his residence. Police believe that the two suspects were planning a terror attack in Vienna and most likely the Swift concerts were the target. Accordingly, all three concerts have been canceled. It is believed that at least one of the suspects has sworn allegiance to ISIS. In addition, three other suspects, not identified, are reportedly on the run and believed to be in Vienna.

Here is an article in today's Austrian daily, Heute, which is translated by Fousesquawk. It was posted prior to the actual cancellation of the events. We are working on translating a video of the action in Tirnitz. That report was published prior to the announcement of a connection between the raid in Tirnitz and the Vienna concerts by Swift.

 Taylor Swift Concert

Terror in Vienna planned- other suspects on the run

A 17 and 19-year-old planned an attack on one of the Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna. Explosive: Suspects reportedly on the run! 

By Newsdesk Heute

August 7. 2024 at 21:02

Caption: Special units, Wega and Cobra, called in to Taylor Swift concerts

A police operation in Ternitz on Wednesday has expanded into a massive terror investigation by the authorities. A radical Islamist duo, who had sworn allegiance to the Islamic State and its leader a few weeks ago, reportedly were planning a terror attack in greater Vienna. Most probably at one of the three mega concerts by Taylor Swift with ten thousand fans in Ernst-Happel Stadium. The 19-year-old Austrian with North Macedonian roots was (arrested) in Ternitz, the 17-year-old in Vienna.

As to the young suspects, no further details are as yet known. What is certain, according to the authorities, is: Preparations were being made for a terror attack. The target is believed to be events in greater Vienna- for sure one of the Taylor Swift concerts was "in focus" of the Islamists. During the house search in Ternitz, "chemical substances" were reportedly found which will be analyzed by the specialists. Security measures at the concerts would be massively heightened, the police announced.

Search for other suspects

Is cancellation of the concert possible on short notice? "We as police authorities cannot simply cancel an event," (police) stated on Wednesday afternoon, but the organizer has been informed. But now explosive news is coming from police circles. Three other suspects are believed to be in the middle of Vienna and on the run! The search for the suspected Islamists continues at high speed. As for the concerts in Vienna, the police did not speak of anything "concrete", but certainly of an "abstract"  threat situation. 

The security measures, therefore, will be massively strengthened, and hundreds of officers will be deployed. Fans will be protected by police with attack weapons and sharpshooters, the special units Wega and Cobra, special forces in plain clothes, as well as dozens of police in and around the Ernst-Happel Stadium. The police have announced tight controls of persons, bags, and access, cameras will be widely used and the happenings will be surveilled from the air.

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