Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Keeping Up With CAIR

Zahra Billoo

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) touts itself as America's largest Muslim civil rights organization. It is anything but. CAIR is nothing more than an arm of Hamas and a creation of the Egyptian-based Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that has spawned most of the Islamic terrorist organizations in the world, such as Hamas, ISIS, and Al Qaeda. They feature an array of regional CEOs around the country who have a long track record of anti-Jewish statements.

At this time, as Israeli athletes in France are under maximum security at the Olympic games, as their soccer team has been subjected to taunts and "Heil Hitlers" from pro-Palestinian thugs at matches, CAIR has gone on record as having asked the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to ban Israel from the games. This is based on Israeli's military response to the October 7 massacre at the hands of Hamas in Gaza. Ironically, even though the Palestinians have their own IOC-recognized team, there has been no demand from CAIR to ban them in response to the October 7 massacre (which is not even mentioned in CAIR's letter to the IOC.) Indeed, CAIR's national director, Nihad Awad, publicly praised the October 7 massacre of over 1,200 innocent Israelis, including women, children, and even infants in the most horrific ways imaginable.

Nihad Awad

Returning to the topic of CAIR directors, the San Francisco CEO of CAIR, Zahra Billoo, who herself, has a long record of anti-Semitic statements, is mourning the death of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh on X (formerly Twitter). She states that Haniyeh's "martyrdom is not in vain."

Contrary to Billoo's statements about Haniyeh, he was not a "moderator peacemaker". He was a vicious terrorist with the blood of thousands on his hands. 

In addition, I am reminded of CAIR's Southern California CEO, Hussam Ayloush, another man with a long record of anti-Jewish comments on his resume. In 2013, while attending CAIR's annual convention in Anaheim, he was asked by a journalist about CAIR's connections to Hamas, and he became very indignant, first stating that CAIR, as a US civil rights organization, wasn't "in the business of getting dragged into Middle East affairs and conflicts in the Middle East". He then blew up, played the Islamophobia card, and stormed away from the journalist.

Hussam Ayloush (during the above-described interview)

In fact, CAIR is very much in the business of getting dragged into Middle East affairs and conflicts in the Middle East. Indeed, the very subject of Hamas is very sensitive for CAIR. Ask any CAIR representative if they support or condemn Hamas and watch the tap dance begin. They will become angry or give you some word salad that avoids answering the question. They can't say they support Hamas because Hamas is designated by the US Government as a terrorist organization-which it surely is. If they condemn Hamas, they betray their own cause and organization.

But the very words of people like Awad, Billoo, Ayloush, and countless other CAIR leaders, over the course of many years, give them away.

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