Wednesday, July 10, 2024

France: Two Months After the Bloody Prisoner Escape

Mohamed Amra

On May 14, in northern France, a police van carrying a prisoner named Mohamed Amra was attacked by his confederates, and Amra was freed. Two correctional officers were killed and three wounded. Two months later, Amra and the attackers are still at large. Now the French police and prosecutors have sent out a public appeal for witnesses to come forward if they were in the vicinity that day and observed anything unusual. 

The below article from today's France Bleu is translated by Fousesquawk.

Correctional officers killed in Eure: A appeal for witnesses sent out two months after the escape of Mohamed Amra at Incarville.

On Wednesday, the authorities are sending out and appeal for witnesses after the escape of the drug trafficker Mohamed Amra on May 14 at the Incarville toll booth in Eure. The attack on the prison van left two dead and three wounded.

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 at 10:56-Updated Wednesday, 10 July 2024 at 17:03.

Caption: Two correctional officers killed

The attack at Incarville on 14 May left two dead and three wounded. On Wednesday, 10 July, the authorities sent out an appeal for witnesses. They are asking, "anyone present on 14 May between 10 am-noon between Acquigny and Evreux, or more generally, in the Eure and Seine-Maritime, to report any suspicious or unusual event".

The contact number if you have any information to transmit to the police is 0800 35 83 35. It is a toll-free number. You can also send an email to

The police say that the two vehicles used by the attackers to flee were set on fire. The first was burned at Houetteville around 11:20 on the day of the escape. The second a little later around 11:50 at Gauville-la-Campagne. If you saw these vehicles, you are also asked to come forward. They are a white Audi S5, license plate CZ-328-HK and a black BMW 4 series, license plate ED-398-RH.

The Prosecutor's Office is also disseminating an appeal for witnesses via text to residents of the concerned zone.


To anyone present between Acquigny and Evreux, or more generally, in Eure and Seine-Maritime,

witness to unusual events or having seen the offenders' vehicles (specifically, a black BMW series 4 and a white Audi S5)

Please contact

0800358335 or

Additional information:


Caption: The text received by residents.

The two correctional officers killed were from Calvados. They worked at the regional judicial extraction* center at Caen. Three other officers were wounded during this attack.


* Judicial extraction refers to the transport of prisoners between prison and court (translator).

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