Sunday, June 2, 2024

Germany Deals With the Murder of a Police Officer by Afghan

-Gates of Vienna

The knife attack in Mannheim last Sunday has sent shock waves through Germany (again). During an anti-Islam demonstration by PAX Europa in Mannheim, a young Afghan immigrant went on a knife rampage, stabbing six people including a policeman. On Sunday, the officer died of his injuries. One of the wounded was anti-Islam activist, Michael Stuerzenberger, who survived. The attacker was shot and wounded by other police at the scene. The suspect, Sulaiman A., 25, apparently migrated to Germany as a teenager and has legal status in the country.

The below article from today's Berliner Morgenpost is translated by Fousesquawk.

Caption: Minutes after the death of their colleague became known, police in Mannheim mourn the murdered colleague at the Market Place of Mannheim.

Knife attack in Mannheim

"It angers me what is happening in our country"

June 2, 2024 at 20:51

Mannheim: A police officer died because he tried to save a man's life. The collected reactions to the knife attack in Mannheim

The death of a police officer after the knife attack in Mannheim is causing sadness and consternation in the political (world). The 29-year-old officer was attacked Friday on Mannheim Market Square. He succumbed to his injuries on Sunday afternoon.

A moving scene played out Sunday afternoon on the Market Square. Just minutes after the death of the young man was made known, police gathered to memorialize their colleague.

Politicians were also in dismay. We have gathered the reactions.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz: "It deeply dismays me that the brave police officer has succumbed to his injuries after the terrible attack in Mannheim. His action for the safety of all of us merits the highest recognition. In this bitter hour, my thoughts are with his family and with all those who mourn him."

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser declared (that) the death of the police officer made her "infinitely sad" "He took courageous steps to save lives. He died in service for our security." She paid tribute to all police officers who daily care for people's safety. " This act shows in a terrible way how dangerous this service for our country can be".

Lindner on the Mannheim knife attack

FDP-head Christian Lindner wrote on X, (that) the death of the young policeman touched him greatly. "And it angers me what is happening in our country. We have to defend ourselves against Islamist terrorism. We will strengthen the security authorities financially. No more false tolerance," said Lindner. State Security has taken over the investigation of the attack.

Green Party chief Omid Nouripour spoke of the "awful news" of the death of the police officer. "He carried out his duties and tried to save lives. The injured officer in Mannheim himself  did not survive."

Knife attack in Mannheim: Politicians in Baden-Wuertemberg shaken

Baden-Wuerttemberg's Minister President, Winfried Kretschmann, was dismayed in the evening: "The news shakes me to the core." The Green (party) politician said his thoughts were with the family, the dependants, and the colleagues. "This terrible act painfully shows us all the often incalculable risks police officers are exposed to every day. The service of policemen and women for the State, the community, and the free-democratic basic order cannot be valued highly enough.  As a society, we are obligated to show the highest respect and appreciation," Kretschmann further stated.

"These are moments when the world seems to be standing still," said Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU). "All of the police in Baden-Wuerttemberg will always and forever honor his memory. The police officer was the victim of a brutal, bestial attack. He laid down his life because he took a stand to protect other people".

Police union reacts angrily

"This young police officer had his entire life in front of him," said CDU-State President Manual Hagel. "Nothing can heal this painful loss. The entire nation is deeply indebted to the heroic courage of the young officer."

The German Police Union reacted with concern, but also anger.

 "The violence that we encounter daily is ruthless, inhumane, and often deadly," said State President Ralf Kusterer. The campaigns against hate and incitement often do not begin to address the problems that policemen and women have to face daily.  Discussions about democracy and freedom of expression, don't reach perpetrators incapable of guilt, nor religious fanatics whose world view seems completely foreign and absurd to us."

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