Sunday, June 30, 2024

Faculty for Justice in Palestine at UCLA: A Disgraceful Horde of Renegade Educators

In the aftermath of the pro-Hamas encampment fiasco at UCLA, the campus chapter of the recently-formed Faculty for Justice in Palestine (FJP) has been feverishly busy writing letters to be published by the campus newspaper, The Daily Bruin. Here is what their "communiqué" of June 27, 2024 has to say.

"We write as members of the UCLA community to state our refusal to participate in the investigation being conducted by 21st Century Policing Solutions on the police response to demonstrations and protests occurring in solidarity with the struggle to end Israel’s ongoing genocidal attack on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip."

The June 18, 2024 of Daily Bruin had this blurb from FJP.

"In characterizing the student protest as “activity (that) disregarded our values as a community,” he betrays his lack of awareness of this community’s actual values and his disregard for the university’s stated support for constitutionally protected principles of freedom of expression and of protest."

Apparently, the Daily Bruin is the unofficial (or official ) organ of the SJP and FJP. Aside from that, FJP is a sorry example of the type of faculty (at least in the humanities) that is teaching our children that our country and its police are evil. Nonsense. What a sorry state of affairs outgoing chancellor Gene Block is leaving behind.

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