Friday, May 3, 2024

UNC Students, Police and Interim Chancellor Step up

UNC Interim Chancellor Lee Roberts

-Daily Tarheel

On Tuesday, the pro-Hamas mob at the University of North Carolina committed an outrageous act. They took down the American flag, which was at half-mast in honor of four Charlotte police officers who had been murdered, and replaced it with the Palestinian flag. Thankfully, a group of counter-protesting students, with Israeli and American flags, along with police and the interim chancellor, Lee Roberts, recovered the American flag, took down the Palestinian flag, and raised the American flag back to its proper place. As they did that, water was reportedly thrown at them by the pro-Hamas mob.

Here is how the Daily Tarheel, the campus paper, reported the incident.  I checked their editorial section today and see no mention of the incident there. I hope to see a strong condemnation of what the pro-Hamas mob did, but I don't expect too much from campus newspapers. 

What to say? First of all, UNC is near and dear to me. My mother attended UNC back in the 1940s, It seems that UNC has been having more problems on this issue than most other southern universities, but that's just my impression. I cannot begin to express the disgust I feel when these scumbags take down our flag and raise that vile Palestinian flag. If any of these people were students, they should be expelled. I fully recognize that most of these protesters are American citizens, but if any of the participants of this outrageous act are here on student visas, they not only should be expelled, but deported as well. (A student visa demands that you be enrolled in a school and attending classes. The school in question is required to keep attendance records, and if a student is not showing up, it is reported to immigration authorities.)

But it makes me proud that some students at UNC stood up and counter-protested and rescued our flag from this vile mob. I am not advocating what took place a few days ago at UCLA, but I wish the football teams at these universities would band together and (non-violently) counter these dirtbags. If pro-Hamas demonstrations are allowed on our campuses, pro-Israel and pro-American demonstrations should be allowed as well-in the faces of the pro-Hamas crowd-and with plenty of police presence, of course.

Kudos to Interim Chancellor Roberts for his role in standing up to the mob. I hope he will be firm in punishing those who violate the boundaries of free speech. I also hope to see more of this on other campuses.

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