Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sweden: Eurovision in Crisis Mode


Bambi Thug

The Eurovision Song Contest being held in Malmo, Sweden is in crisis mode due to the participation of Israel. As the competition holds its final stage tonight, Eden Golan, from Israel, just may turn out to be the winner. They are already going crazy because Israel is in the competition. What will they do if she wins?

Meanwhile, another finalist, the appropriately named Bambi Thug, from Ireland, is demanding that Israel be kicked out. The competition organizers have held an "emergency meeting" today.

As for Bambi, if she doesn't win the Eurovision context, surely she can get her mug on Bud Lite cans.

The below article from today's Expressen, is translated by Fousesquawk.

Ireland missed dress rehearsal in Eurovision

Posted 11 May 2024 ar 14:40

Updated 16:55

Ireland, Switzerland, and Greece were absent from the artist presentation before the dress rehearsal in Eurovision on Saturday afternoon.

Now Irish (performer) Bambi Thug explains that it was a protest and attempt to get EBU's attention.

In an interview with Irish RTE, she says she wants Israel excluded. According to NRK, EBU is holding a crisis meeting about what occurred.

By Johan Bratell

Caption: New demonstration for Palestine during dress rehearsal

Neither Ireland, Switzerland, Greece, nor disqualified Netherlands were seen when the Eurovision artists were presented at the dress rehearsal before the evening's final in Malmo Arena.

Now fan-favorite, Ireland's Bambi Thug, talks about the decision not to show up.

"A situation arose while we were waiting to go onstage before the dress rehearsal, which I felt I needed to bring to the attention of EBU. EBU has taken this seriously, and we have had a discussion on what needs to be done. This means that I am missing the dress rehearsal. I am sorry for all the fans who have come to see me. I hope to see you from the stage tonight," Bambi Thug writes in a statement via social media.

Norwegian NRK writes that EBU is holding a crisis meeting about what occurred.

Demand that Israel be removed

Later in the afternoon, Bambi Thug left the hotel dressed in a Palestinian shawl.

Bambi Thug tells Irish RTE that she wants Israel excluded, and she is critical of what the country's  commentator said during a broadcast on Tuesday.

"There will be a lot of spells, black magic, Satanist symbols, and voodoo dolls," the commentator said then, according to RTE.

During the rehearsal before the semi-final, Bambi Thug had written the words, "Cease fire" and "freedom for Palestine" on her body in the late Middle Ages written language, Ogham, Aftonbladet reported.

Caption: Bambi Thug leaves hotel in Palestinian shawl on Saturday

Greece and Switzerland also (absent) 

Greece was also not seen during the flag parade, but when it was Marina Sattis' turn to perform, she stood on the stage and did her number. The same was true for Nemo from Switzerland.

Protests against Israel again

Eden Golan, 20, from Israel, with her contribution, "Hurricane", has sailed to one of the big favorites in the evening's Eurovision.

But the protests against her participation continue.

 During Saturday afternoon's dress rehearsal, she was once again met with boos from the audience-and with that, two Palestinian flags appeared when she took the stage.

EBU earlier communicated that only flags from competing nations, plus the rainbow flag are permitted.  

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