Monday, May 20, 2024

LA County Board of Supervisors Votes to Provide Legal Aid to Arrested UCLA Protesters

Hat tip Campus Reform

Thank God, I no longer live in Los Angeles County, where I was born and raised. Now the leftist LA County Board of Supervisors has voted to offer taxpayer-funded legal aid to the protesters who were arrested at UCLA during the encampment raid by law enforcement earlier this month. Only one member, a Republican, voted against it.

Here is how the Daily Bruin campus newspaper is reporting it.

In my own comment in the Daily Bruin reader thread, I suggested that the National Lawyers Guild, the Marxist organization that was present at UCLA during the encampment acting as "legal observers" in their lime green caps, represent the students. As I previously pointed out, they may have one of their own among the defendants. I don't know that for sure, but you can read more about that matter here.

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