Friday, May 10, 2024

Guess Who Is Speaking at UC Irvine? (Hatem Bazian)


By the time this is posted, UC Berkeley professor and (according to many of his critics) anti-Jewish agitator, Hatem Bazian, will be speaking before the little rascals at the UC Irvine encampment. I have heard him speak several times, and I don't need one more to know what this man is all about.

Bazian's bio is quite long and "impressive", so to speak. He washed up on our shores from either Jordan or the West Bank as a student at San Francisco State University. Rather than act as a good representative of his homeland, he became an agitator on campus and earned the reputation as an anti-Semite with his diatribes against Israel, the West, and Jews. Many of his critics refer to him as "Hate'm Bazian".

This is the man who once called for an intifada in the US (San Francisco 2004). After he graduated with all his fancy degrees, he became a professor at-where else- UC Berkeley. Along the way, he racked up a long list of anti-Jewish statements including once reportedly calling for students to note all the Jewish names on school buildings. On one occasion, he reportedly quoted the cute little Hadith ditty about the Day of Judgment when the Muslim will fight the Jew, and the Jew will hide behind the rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will call out, "O Muslim, a Jew is hiding behind me. Come and kill him". (You can't make this up.)

The first time I heard Bazian speak at UC Irvine many years ago (2010), I pointedly asked him about those quotes. I never did get a straight answer. Since then he has been accused of more anti-Semitic remarks over the years.

Bazian is a co-founder of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and also a co-founder of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), which assists SJP logistically and financially. They are both despicable organizations.

So as I conclude, Bazian will probably already be spouting his venom into a bullhorn, much to the annoyance of teachers, students, and researchers trying to go about the business of education in Rowland Hall and other surrounding buildings where the encampment is set up.

Rowland  Hall is named after Frank Sherwood Rowland, a noted chemist, Nobel laureate, and professor at UC Irvine who passed away in 2012. I have no idea if he was Jewish, but if so, maybe Bazian will point it out to his audience.

Has anybody seen Chancellor Howard Gillman?

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