Tuesday, May 7, 2024

France: Cemetery Desecrated

-Radio France

The rash of anti-Jewish outrages in France continues unabated. In the small French town of Tourtoirac (Dordogne Department), 82 tombs in a cemetery were found to be tagged with spray paint graffiti, much of it anti-Semitic in nature. The below article from today's France Bleu is translated by Fousesquawk.


"Racist", "Zionist", "Jew", "Allah": Tags discovered again in a cemetery in Dordogne

Inscriptions in black spray paint were discovered Monday, May 6 on 82 tombs in the Tourtoirac Cemetery. The Gendarmes conducted the count during the evening. Since the start of the year, a series of crucifix monuments, and a cemetery have also been tagged in this sector.  

Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 00:39 

By Marc Bertrand

Caption: 82 tombs were tagged in the Tourtoirac Cemetery in the Perigord Vert

(Inscriptions: "I hate you")

82 tombs defaced

"It's a crazy person who does that," Nanou laments, pushing open the cemetery gate on the hills outside the town of Tourtoirac. On Monday, May 6, in the afternoon, a workman who came to repair the gate discovered the tags on 82 tombs in the main cemetery of the village, according to information received by France Bleu Perigord.

Dozens of tombs were covered with inscriptions in black spray paint: "Allah", "cowards", "I hate you", as well as tags making reference to political personalities or to various news items. Some tags announce the death dates of Jean-Luc Melenchon, Marine Le Pen, or Jordan Barbella, or even Pascal Praud, (while) others make reference to Mila or "Vengeance for Cherbourg".

Tags had already been seen since December in the surrounding villages, on the calvaries of Saint-Pantaly-d'Excideuil, Cherveix-Cubas, Saint-Mesmin, and Coulaures. A first cemetery had been tagged at Clermont d'Excideuil in early March. "It's the same thing as in the other villages, particularly in Clermont," the mayor of Tourtoirac believes. 

Caption: References to politicians with their death date announced are tagged on the tombs. 

"People of the book must......(covered"), "Zionists", "M. Habib 1961-2024", "Racist J. Bardella 1995-?", "Jew Zemmour, 1958-?", "Fascist M. Le Pen 1968-?" 

Caption: The police were still at the scene Monday evening searching for clues.

"Already damned"

"Don't play the game" of the tagger

For the last two months, no tag had been seen. Consequently, the series seems to be continuing. Investigators and the criminal identification technicians of the Gendarmerie spent the afternoon at the scene. An investigation is already open after the preceding defacements, but the prosecutor's office, queried during the evening, did not wish to say yet if there is a connection with the new tags discovered Monday.

Mayor Dominique Durand appealed "not to play the game" of the person or persons who tagged. "What message are they trying to send? Is it a provocation? We must remain pragmatic and wait for the gendarmes to do their job".

Caption: Dozens of tombs tagged

"We let nothing pass", "weaklings and cowards" (Charles) "Martel will not return"

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