Sunday, April 28, 2024

Germany: Islamist Protest in Hamburg Calls for Caliphate

Berliner Morgenpost

On Saturday, over 1,000 demonstrators took to the streets in Hamburg to demonstrate against alleged Islamophobia in the German media. Along with the usual chants of "Allahu Akhbar", there were also placards that read, "The Caliphate is the solution" in German. Germany's interior minister, Nancy Faeser, labeled the demonstration as hard to bear.

Indeed. Calling for an Islamic caliphate in Germany? Deportation is the solution!

The below article from today's Berliner Morgenpost is translated by Fousesquawk.

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"Caliphate is the solution"- Big Islamist Demonstration in Hamburg

4-28-2024 at 16:26

Caption: Participants in the Islamist demonstration demand, among other things, the caliphate as "the solution"

Hamburg. In Hamburg more than 1,000 people take part in an Islamist-organized demonstration. Nancy Faeser alarmed.

On Saturday, according to police reports, some 1,100 people gathered to protest against alleged Islamophobic media reporting. According to a report by the Hamburger Abendblatt, which, like this outlet, belongs to the Funke Media Group, slogans on placards like, "Germany= Dictatorship of values" or "Caliphate is the solution', could be read. The call, "Allahu Akhbar" (God is Great) was repeated over and over again.

Islamists reportedly behind the demonstration

According to the report, initiators are people also connected to the Islamist-classified "Muslim Interactive". These (people) were also reportedly responsible for a violent demonstration on October 28 of last year. According to police, there were no incidents at today's gathering.

"Seeing such an Islamist demonstration on our streets is hard to bear. It is good that the Hamburg police are working to counter crimes with a large contingent," says Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) to Tagespiegel. According to Faeser, security authorities are targeting the Islamist scene. That also goes for the alleged group at the demonstration in Hamburg.

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