Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Day 2 of the "Gaza Encampment" at UC Irvine

"Fiat Lux"

 Today I went over to UC Irvine to observe the goings-on with the pro-Palestinian encampment set up on the campus without authorization and in violation of campus regulations. (I am quoting the UCI Chancellor, Howard Gillman.) 

I was only there for an hour. Compared to what is going on at places like Columbia, Cal Poly Humboldt, and other places, UCI is mild. There were about 60 or so people gathered in a fenced-off circle adjacent to Rowland Hall. There were more tents than yesterday set up for the "residents". It was a small quad area surrounded by classroom buildings and research buildings. Young protesters in Palestinian keffiyas took turns leading the crowd in the usual chants with a bullhorn. There is no question that the constant noise of the bullhorn chants was a disturbance to students in classes or researchers trying to do their work. I am pretty sure that bullhorns are not allowed on campus either.

I did not see any campus police, but rather about 10 security guards stationed around the quad observing the events. There was a lot of chalk scrawling on the sidewalk around the encampment with the usual slogans about freeing Palestine, etc. I also noted one message, "F--- the cops" (dashes mine) scrawled on the sidewalk. There were a few Arabic writings, one of which I believe said something about "liberating Gaza with our blood".(That's according to my friend's on-the-spot Google translation. I'll try and confirm that.)

I will be adding some photos and images later today.

A quote from Malcolm X

A tribute to Abu Obaida

A tribute to law enforcement ("F--- cops")
ACAB means "All cops are bastards".

*Update-May 1, 2024

This is how the UCI campus newspaper, New University,  covered Day 2. Like just about every other campus newspaper, they are sympathetic to the protesters.

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