Saturday, February 24, 2024

The University of Georgia Murder Case: Who Has Blood on Their Hands?

Every time I read a story coming out of Europe about some citizen being murdered or raped by one or more of the millions of so-called asylum seekers or refugees arriving from who knows where, I have commented on the blame being placed on the insane immigration/refugee policy of the EU. The blood is on their hands.

Though our own illegal alien problem is different in certain aspects, we must also assign responsibility for horrendous crimes being committed by illegals on the current administration that has allowed our southern border to spin out of control.

This week, we learn of the murder of Laken Riley, a young woman out jogging near the University of Georgia campus in Athens. In custody and charged with the crime is an illegal migrant from Venezuela named Jose Antonio Ibarra. He is yet to stand trial and is legally presumed innocent. But if he is eventually convicted, blame must also be assigned to our political leaders. Those who have allowed millions of unidentified people into our country. I am talking specifically about President Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, the latter now under impeachment proceedings for his absolute dereliction of duty.

There is no need to go through the litany of problems and outrages that are plaguing our country as a direct result of illegal migration across our border. But this case in Georgia should be the poster child for securing our border. I wouldn’t be saying this if we had a government that was sincerely trying to secure the borders and Ibarra was just some guy who managed to sneak in. That is not the case with our current administration. 

It is well and good that Mayorkas is being impeached although he is unlikely to be convicted and removed by the Democrat controlled Senate. But even removing Mayorkas will not solve the problem. It is Biden who sets the policy. Mayorkas is the man who is carrying out the policy. They are both to blame.


  1. Interesting how you're still blaming Biden when a bipartisan border deal was shot down by Republicans simply because Trump told them to kill it. (And he flat out said that it was because he didn't want Biden to look good.)

    Once again proving that "conservatives" don't actually care.

  2. Biden does not need a bipartisan bill to secure the border. He can do it tomorrow. He doesn’t need the votes of Republicans. Biden and the Dems don’t want to secure the border. Why else are they allowing all these people in? Cant you figure it out?

  3. It's hard to even know where to start with you because your understanding of the issue is completely out of touch with reality. Yeah, Fouse, Biden is just "letting all these people in". Is that what you think is happening? That border guards have completely stopped doing their jobs and everyone is just crossing over with no obstacle whatsoever? Are you able to articulate anything that isn't a regurgitated right-wing xenophobic fear-mongering talking point?

    But let's say that you're right. Let's say that even my exaggerated version of your position is correct. That doesn't change my point.

    The FACT is that there was a bipartisan bill. Biden said he'd sign it. It got killed because the Republicans were told by Trump to kill it. What is your defense of that? Or can you at least agree that it's messed up?

    The sheer fact that you think that Biden can singlehandedly secure the border by some sort of executive order makes me wonder if you are aware of the fact that the job of being a President is not that of a dictator.

  4. Border guards have not been allowed to do their jobs-their job should not be allowing people to stroll in and be put on buses and planes to their desired destinations. It should be to stop illegal crossings. We have laws but they are told not to enforce them.

    Fear mongering? Are you aware of what is happening in New York? Tell that to the folks at UGA. Didn’t you see him signing all those executive orders on day one? I guess not.

    Biden sure did a lot to unsecured the border as soon as he took office undoing Trumps border policies.

  5. "Border guards have not been allowed to do their jobs"

    What are you even talking about? Is that really what you think is happening? Nobody is being arrested and/or deported back? Just a slight bit of research shows that this isn't true.

    Look, there are probably some reasonable critiques to make of Biden's border policies, but you need to start by acknowledging simple reality and not a paranoid fantasy.

  6. Encounters??

    How about the millions of people who have crossed illegally and put on buses and planes all over the country? Were those encounters too? What are you trying to tell me? Is that part of the BP's job?

    There is not only an elephant in the room, it's sitting in your lap. Wake up!

  7. You have quite the knack for changing the subject when you've been proven wrong.

  8. Changing the subject?? Are we not talking about the border and the Biden immigration policy? To be honest, I'm starting to suspect you really are a Russian bot (spoof alert). Or are you really President Biden commenting from the White House? You make about as much sense.
    Oh, and that bipartisan immigration bill in Congress: Are you talking about the one with the 5,000 encounters a day threshold for doing anything? That one? I wouldn't vote for that either even if Trump told me to support it.

  9. Try to keep up and reread the conversation. I debunked your silly talking point about border guards not being allowed to do their jobs. Then you misread the link that I gave you.

    And you're also wrong about what the bill does.

  10. I read your link from AP. It was naturally biased in favor of the bill as I expected AP would be, no matter.

    If you have doubts about BP agents not being able to do their job, I suggest you talk to Brian Judd, head of the BP agents union. He will set you straight.

    As for the 5,000 threshold, why should we wait for a certain number of "encounters" to be made? Is 4,999 acceptable? Take action now. Biden has the authority to do that. He doesn't want to.

  11. Correction: His name is Brandon Judd. Watch his remarks today at Eagle Pass.

  12. How is the AP article biased? Because it debunks a right-wing talking point?

    I've noticed this about right-wingers. Everything that doesn't tow the line is "biased" and then dismissed without any kind of examination of the facts. Same with fact checkers. It obviously can't be right if it's disproving what you already believe. (Never mind that fact checkers and the AP also debunk left-wing talking points.)

    I looked up this Brandon Judd guy. You want to talk about bias? The dude spreads white replacement theory propaganda. Yikes.

    But I'm not going to do what you do and dismiss anything and everything he says. Funny enough, he actually came out in support of the border bill even though he had criticisms of it.

    I really have to wonder if you actually read either article because it sure seems like you don't even understand what the rebuttal is to your talking points.

    Let me make it clear:

    I'm not saying that there is no reasonable criticism of Biden's border policies. What I am saying is that what you and other right-wingers are saying is a ridiculous exaggeration of the problem, and you seem to be either unwilling or unable to articulate the other side.

  13. "What I am saying is that what you and other right-wingers are saying is a ridiculous exaggeration of the problem, and you seem to be either unwilling or unable to articulate the other side."

    Exaggerated? OK. (LOL)

  14. "I've noticed this about right-wingers. Everything that doesn't tow the line is "biased" and then dismissed without any kind of examination of the facts. Same with fact checkers. It obviously can't be right if it's disproving what you already believe. (Never mind that fact checkers and the AP also debunk left-wing talking points.)"

    For someone who is "unbiased", you sure have a stereotypical view of right-wingers. What you are describing is exactly what we find today on our university campuses-except the players are reversed.

    And don't put too much faith in those fact-checkers. They tend to be quite biased.
