Monday, February 19, 2024

Netherlands: Parliament Wants Answers After Eritrean Rioting in the Hague

-Irish Sun

We have previously reported on the Eritrean riots that occurred Saturday in the Hague (as well as Eritrean riots in Charlotte NC the same day.) In the Netherlands, several political parties are demanding answers.

The below article from today's NOS Nieuws is translated by Fousesquawk. The article also has a video of the riots.

NOS News Today 12:18

All 13 suspects still in custody after Eritrean riot in the Hague

All 13 suspects who were arrested Saturday in the riots between two groups of Eritreans are still in custody. According to the police, they are suspected of public violence and weapons possession. They are men between the ages of 19 to 36.

In the riots surrounding the meeting of Eritreans in a meeting hall center in the Hague, 8 police officers were injured. Pro-government Eritreans were gathered at the meeting. Opponents of the dictatorial regime sought the confrontation. According to the Hague mayor Van Zanen, the rioting youths were from the Eritrean organization, Brigade Nhamedu.

Second Chamber wants clarification

Yesterday, several parts in the Second Chamber (of Parliament) stated that they wanted clarification on the riots. Among others, VVD and CDA have questions for outgoing Justice and Security Minister Yesilgoz. The parties also think that there should be an investigation into Brigade Nhamedu.

These are images from the riots.

PVV leader (Geert) Wilders says he is "sick and tired" and feels that the perpetrators must be arrested and deported. "I want to become the premier who finally puts things in order," he writes on X. The VVD wants "strong punishment" and feels that such violence must have consequences for an eventual residence permit or "Dutch citizenship". Several parties also want an investigation into the tension between the two groups.

Regularly go at each other

Refugee supporters and opponents of the regime in Eritrea regularly face off with each other. For that reason, there were extra measures taken at the meeting. Mayor Van Zanen later acknowledged that the acts of violence surprised him.

Following the riots, the Public Prosecutor's Office established a large-scale investigative team to prosecute the suspects. The police are still investigating the case.


  1. Israel is an Apartheid StateFebruary 19, 2024 at 3:27 PM

    Meanwhile in Germany:

    Is it Racist to Discuss the Massive Amounts of White Criminality at Home and Abroad???

  2. Since Germany has no death penalty, I hope the SOB gets life. Sadly, I predict that won't happen. He'll probably get about 15 years, be released, at which point, he will probably join Hamas, who will be badly in need of replacements. If all that comes to pass, hopefully the IDF will put him out of his misery.

    How's that for an answer?
