Tuesday, July 11, 2023

What Are They Saying About Old Joe in Europe?

"He seems completely lost."

President Joe Biden raised more than a few eyebrows during his visit to King Charles at Windsor Castle. Here is what one Dutch-language Belgian newspaper (HLN) had to say about Old Joe. Translation by Fousesquawk.


Joe Biden goes too slow for Charles: King urges the president to hurry up

On Monday, July 10, King Charles (74) welcomed American President Joe Biden (80) to Windsor Castle. This meeting attracted worldwide attention, but primarily for the, at times, remarkable behavior of the American president. "He is completely lost".

During the welcoming ceremony, President Biden carried on an extended conversation with one of the guards. This happened under the watchful eye of an increasingly impatient-looking Charles III. Several times he tried to get Biden to continue the visit with a wave of the hand, but in vain. Finally, King Charles himself interrupted the conversation.

"King Charles struggles to lead Biden on," it sounded on Twitter, where the images were freely disseminated. Royal commentator Nile Gardiner reacted to the viral video: "Joe Biden seems completely lost."

After the somewhat awkward moment, the behavior of President Joe Biden continued to be striking. A few seconds after his handshake with Charles, Biden touched the back of the king. Some observers considered this to be a breach of royal protocol.

1 comment:

  1. I love how these things only become important when a Democrat is in office.

    Or maybe you wrote about GW Bush's back rub for Angela Merkel? When Trump literally shoved a guy during an international photo opp?

    It's all important, or none of it is. (I go with "none" - although shoving a guy might be over my line.
