Friday, July 21, 2023

Sweden's Government Seeks Forgiveness, Cooperation

Tobias Billström 

These are hard times for Sweden. A succession of Koran burnings and other forms of desecration by Danish-Swedish activist, Rasmus Paludan, and more recently, by an Iraqi immigrant named Salwan Momika have now led to Sweden's embassy in Baghdad being stormed and burned this week. Iraq has broken diplomatic relations and wants Momika extradited to Iraq. 

While Turkey has finally agreed to allow Sweden to join NATO, they are now seeking the arrest and extradition of Paludan. 

So now the craven Swedish government of Ulf Kristersson is trying to make amends with the Islamic world. Foreign Minister Tobias Billström has invited the head of the 57-nation Organization for Islamic Cooperation (ICO) to Sweden to discuss the "fight against Islamophobia".  Billström tells the ICO that Muslim immigrants have "enriched" Sweden, a questionable proposition given the number of riots, rapes, murders, bombings, anti-Semitic attacks, and violent gangs that have characterized much of Islamic migration to Sweden in recent years. Thousands of Swedish Jews have left the country to escape the "enrichment".


The ICO (incorrectly identified in the below Swedish article as the Organization of Islamic Conference -IKO, its former name,) is the largest voting block in the UN and for years has demanded that the UN force its member states to outlaw criticism of Islam. Don't let the phrase "hate against religions" fool you. The ICO could care less about hate against Jews, Christians, and other religions because Muslim-majority countries routinely discriminate-if not persecute- minority religions.

The below article from the conservative Swedish blog, Nyheter Idag, is translated by Fousesquawk.

Billström invites Muslim organization to meet on Islamophobia

In an invitation to the general secretary of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation, which is demanding that laws against "the promotion of religious hate"  be internationally instituted, Foreign Minister Tobias Billström writes that Muslim immigrants  "have enriched Sweden.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (IKO) is made up of 57 Muslim countries and has earlier demanded international legislation against "the promotion of religious hate" due to the high-profile Koran burnings in Sweden.

"We must send sincere reminders to the international community regarding the urgent introduction of an international law, which clearly forbids the promotion of religious hate," (IKO's General Secretary, Hissein Brahim Taha says.

ICO was also one of the initiators of the meeting with the UN Human Rights Commission which condemned Koran burnings and urged legislation against religious hate.

Now Foreign Minister Tobias Billström has invited ICO's general secretary to a meeting on "the fight against Islamophobia", Svenska Dagbladet reports.

"I believe that a visit from Your Excellency to Sweden would be able to strengthen dialogue between Sweden and ICO,  and I would welcome the possibility to deepen our exchange in important current questions, including the fight against Islamophobia and all other forms of intolerance," writes the foreign minister in his invitation, where he also claims that Sweden has been "enriched " by the large migration from Muslim lands.

"For several years, Sweden has welcomed a large group of Muslims from many different countries, a group that enriches our country," writes Billström

Meanwhile, there was a different sound in the bark from Billström when he was migration minister in the Reinfeldt government in February 2013. Then  Billström wanted immigration to Sweden to decrease-which led to criticism from Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt.

"That cannot be the starting point. Immigration enriches Sweden. It is a very important value that people can come to Sweden, and it means a lot for Sweden's development," Reinfeldt said, according to SVT (Swedish State TV). 

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