Thursday, July 6, 2023

Sweden: The Tension With Turkey Heats up

Next week, NATO leaders will meet in Vilnius, Lithuania, and Sweden will be present in observer status. A meeting between Sweden and Turkey in Vilnius is anticipated regarding Sweden's entry into NATO. It appears that Turkish strongman, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, wants Sweden to pass a law banning the burning of Korans. Is this Turkey's condition for voting yes to admit Sweden into NATO?

One Swedish member of Parliament, Mikail Yüksel, the leader of the Islamic political party, Nyans, has now openly stated that Sweden should bend to Turkey's wishes and ban the burning of Korans, which at the moment appears to be legally protected under Swedish laws regarding freedom of expression. This has incurred the outrage of members of the conservative Sweden Democrat party (SD). One SD leader is calling Yüksel a traitor. 

As I understand it, if Sweden's government wants to make a new law banning the burning of Korans, it will have to pass muster in the Parliament and with the courts. Personally, while I have serious reservations about the burning of Korans, it would be a shame if the Swedes were blackmailed into limiting their freedoms to gain the vote of a tin pot dictator like Erdogan.

The below article, translated by Fousesquawk, is appearing in the conservative site, Fria Tider.

"Traitor": Jomshof's attack on Nyans-Turk

Posted July 5, 2023 at 07:18

Domestic: The immigration party Nyans' leader Mikail Yüksel says that, "Sweden must learn to bend to Erdogan". Now he is getting hard criticism from the top of the Sweden Democrats.

In an interview with the regime-friendly Turkish newspaper, SabahMikail Yüksel calls on Turkey to use the current situation to pressure Sweden to ban Koran burnings. 

Dagens Nyheter asked Yüksel if that wouldn't mean that Sweden would be submitting to an autocratic regime". To this, the Nyans leader answered:

"I don't think that Erdogan is an anti-democrat, and Sweden must learn to bend. The world does not revolve around Sweden and if you want to get something, you have to give something back.

The whole play makes the chairman of the Justice Committee, Richard Jomshof, see red.

"The Islamist Mikail Yüksel acts like the traitor that he is and cries out in the Turkish regime media at the same time he is asking the country to act against Swedish freedom of expression. This, with the long-range goal of changing Sweden to an Islamist land, where among other things, it is punishable to criticize Islam," Jomshof writes on Twitter.

However, several users reply to Jomshof that Yüksel is no traitor since he is a Turk and obviously acts out of Turkish interests.

Another Sweden Democrat leader, Mattias Karlsson, also reacts to the Nyans-leader's actions.

"There is no damned bending here! Adapt or go home! Karlsson tweets.

Mikail Yüksel hints that he will report/sue Richard Jomshof for gross defamation.

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