Monday, July 10, 2023

Miss Netherlands: "And the Winner is...."

 Well, here's another defeat for women everywhere. The Netherlands has announced its representative to the Miss Universe Pageant. Yes, Folks, Miss Netherlands is a guy.

$1.98 Beauty Show

Even Rip Taylor was shocked.


  1. What a shame that the paragon of women's equality has been so sullied.

    Or maybe this doesn't really matter, but you're just taking a cheap shot.

    The thing is, Fouse, you may have someone in your life who is experiencing gender dysphoria right now. Maybe it's a friend, a child, grandchild, etc. How do you think that they would feel if they saw this? Do you think that they'd consider you to be a safe person to confide in?

  2. Perez Hilton must have been on the judges' panel again!

  3. I have made my views on gays and people with gender dysphoria known on this site often, that said I don’t think biological men should invading women’s competitions. Women have every right to be outraged.
