Tuesday, July 4, 2023

France: What Happened Last Night in France?

Francois DeSouche has the answer.

"You look at what happened last night in Sweden France."

In perusing the mainstream news outlets in France, one might get the impression that things are calming down. Rather than reporting disturbances in French cities on the night of July 3-early morning July 4, the press is starting to report the "responses" from the political class. President Emmanuel Macron, who had refused to declare a state of emergency,  has now declared an "emergency law" that is mostly designed to repair the damage to property (including holding insurance companies' feet to the fire!) and restore society to its normal level-whatever that was. 

Hopefully, things are calming down a bit until the next time riots break out, which they surely will. Meanwhile, I am cross-posting French blogger Francois DeSouche's night video summary of what happened last night in France. Some cities, like Rouen and Toulouse, among others, did experience some level of rioting, burned cars, etc. It should also be mentioned that a 24-year-old firefighter died while putting out a fire caused by the rioters.


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