Saturday, July 1, 2023

France: The Police Unions Speak out

 In the wake of rioting all over France, two major police unions have issued a joint press release that is chilling and is making news in France. The police are demanding that the government support them and crack down on the rioters, describing it as a war. The letter also implies that if the government does not support them, they may turn to resistance against the government.

The below statement is translated by Fousesquawk.

Press Release   Paris, June 30, 2023

Enough now.....

Faced with these savage hordes, asking for calm is not sufficient. It must be imposed!
To establish republican order and make arrests at the time of the (offense) are the only political signals to give.

Faced with these abuses, the police family must be in solidarity.

Our colleagues,  like the majority of citizens, can no longer be subjected to the dictates of these violent minorities.

Now is not the time for union action, but to fight against these "pests". To submit, to capitulate, and make them happy by laying down our arms are not the solutions in regard to the gravity of the situation.

All means must be put in place to reinstall the rule of law as quickly as possible.

Once this (dies down), we already know that we will see this shit we are enduring again.

For these reasons, the National Police Alliance and UNSA Police will assume their responsibilities and warn those in the government that in the end, we will take action, and without concrete measures of judicial protection for the police, appropriate penal response, (and) significant resources provided,  police officers will judge the level of consideration given.

Today the police are in combat because we are at war.

Tomorrow we will be in resistance, and the government should realize this.

The offices of the National Police Alliance and UNSA Police.

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