Friday, April 21, 2023

Significant Developments in the Hunter Biden Case

 It's been an embarrassing week for Hunter Biden, his father, and the entire Biden administration. It is becoming increasingly difficult for Democrats and the mainstream media to dismiss the Hunter Biden issue as a Republican conspiracy theory. Consider this:

An IRS whistleblower has come forth (we as yet do not know his/her name) and claimed that the Hunter Biden investigation is being interfered with at higher levels. The whistleblower is requesting formal whistleblower protections and, according to his attorney, wants to testify before Congress and take questions and scrutiny from Republicans and Democrats alike. 

We now also have sworn testimony from former acting CIA director Mike Morell that Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was the driving force in getting 51 former intelligence officials to sign a letter to the effect that the Hunter Biden laptop and emails were "Russian disinformation".

Till now, the FBI has been sitting on the Hunter Biden laptop (it is in their possession) for 5 years. Similar inaction has come out of the US Attorney's Office in Delaware, supposedly investigating the President's son's financial activities and alleged influence peddling.

But now with people coming forward from high places, that may be changing. Today, Fox News reported that Hunter Biden's attorneys, at their own request, will meet with DOJ officials next week, including Delaware US Attorney David Weiss. It has also been reported by CNN (who would prefer to ignore it altogether). In addition, the aforementioned IRS agent reportedly will call into question Attorney General Merrick Garland's previous sworn testimony that there would be no interference from DOJ in the Hunter Biden investigation. The IRS agent involved is reportedly a higher-ranking supervisory agent in evolved in the case.

Already, one of Hunter Biden's attorneys is claiming that the IRS agent in question has broken the law governing the confidentiality of citizens' tax records within the IRS. While it is true that IRS  officials are prohibited from sharing tax information-even between law enforcement agencies (with certain exceptions), I disagree with the attorney's claim. The IRS official could simply testify that there has been interference at higher levels with the investigation without giving any details whatsoever about Hunter Biden's financial information.

It is very difficult to dismiss sworn testimony from a former acting CIA director that directly implicates the sitting secretary of State (Blinken). If and when the aforementioned IRS agent testifies-depending on what he/she says, that likely will be hard to dismiss or ignore as well. At this point, the heat is on Blinken and Garland. Their jobs may be on the line. If these allegations are true, they should both resign.

As for Hunter Biden, a week ago, I would have predicted that the Justice Department will just let the case die on the vine. Now, it looks like they may have to charge Hunter Biden with something. I predict he will get a sweetheart plea deal, something like what was given to the disgraced former vice president, Spiro Agnew. I would still be surprised if Hunter Biden winds up in jail.

What is vastly more important than any tax or gun registration violations, he may have committed, is the business dealing he had with foreign governments that involved his father. It would be a miscarriage of justice if the government lets him off with a plea deal as to taxes or guns and walks away from the dealings with China, Russia, Ukraine, and other countries. Dealings that were based on who his father is. Unfortunately, that is what I fear will happen.

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